New pinpointers from Minelab – PRO Find 15 and PRO Find 35 (new for 2017!) – updated!

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At the Detectival digging rally held in the UK, Minelab from Australia presented the world with its new pinpointers: PRO Find 15 and PRO Find 35.

New pinpointers from Minelab - PRO Find 15 and PRO Find 35 (new for 2017!)Local diggers liked the new items, because the price of model 15 is only 90 euros, and the PRO Find 35 model is only 120 euros. PRO Find 15 is a waterproof model, and PRO Find 35 allows immersion in water to a depth of 3 m. But the main thing here — Model 35 has built-in audio discrimination against metals! Ferrous metals sound low in tone, and non-ferrous metals — high. How practical is this — a controversial question, because if you are digging in a hole where both black and your copper coin lie, then how will such a pin be filled ? A question of questions that still need to be tested in practice. Let’s see.


Added video from the manufacturer:

In short, the new products have many additional functions and the difference between models 15 and 35 can be seen in this picture:

New pinpointers from Minelab - PRO Find 15 and PRO Find 35 (new 2017!) - updated!

An interesting thing is how these pinpointers differ from their «classmates»: they work using a special DIF technology, which allows the device not to react to the operation of the pinpointer, that is, the coil and metal detector can be placed very close to the pit and the device will not respond to the working pinpointer. Interesting idea!

What do you think about the new product? There are no prices in rubles for them yet, we’ll wait.

We collect all the news on new products for 2017 here. How do you like the new products from MineLab, Equinox series metal detectors? Fire, yes?

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