Nokta Simplex+ Plus first trip to the underwater mine. Test, experience, real findings

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In mid-May, stable sunny weather settled in our area, which means that it will be possible to try to test the underwater properties of the budget MD “Simplex Plus”. In general, an underwater mine in central Russia is still a rare exotic. Here, like in Turkey, you can’t sit in the entrance for long in just swimming trunks. Need a wetsuit. And behind it comes an understanding of the general need for scuba gear. Then, there are not so many interesting places for productive search. Rivers in places of crossings and old bridges regularly changed their course, the cultural layer with finds is covered with silt after each flood, and muddy water does not make it possible to search for artifacts at the bottom of reservoirs as productively as possible. So, underwater mining is more exotic, but at the same time it is an area of good prospects and opportunities. What a forest cop was in his time. And, if you understand where, how and under what conditions in our latitudes it is possible and necessary to conduct underwater search, then the first in this matter, as usual, will collect all the cream, while others will only think whether they need it.

And, in this case, impulsiveness is the worst vector of action. To learn a new type of instrument search, you need to approach testing with understanding and a firmly established technical task.


  • Understand what an underwater cop is, in general and in principle.
  • What can you expect from him?
  • Where to look or assume “fat places”?
  • Gain and understand experience, with what and how it will be more convenient to search in our conditions.

As soon as the sun began to get hot outside, at 30 degrees, I realized that it was time to make a scuba. After the scuba was ready, I got into the car and drove to a distant lake. How to say further? There are more than forty lakes and small rivers in our area, but this lake is very popular among summer residents and locals as a place for swimming. Indeed, on particularly hot days in the summer, even on weekdays there can be up to ten cars parked there and fifty people swimming in a very narrow section of the lake. So, the place was chosen in such a way as to attract minimal attention to itself.


I arrived and checked the water. It turned out that it warmed up by at least 20 degrees. So, the tests of the device will definitely take place in very comfortable conditions.

I took out Simplex, and at that very moment, only one thought was spinning in my head: “Slavik, I’m going to score something.” I really wanted to trust the manufacturer. But, still, what if. So, first I immersed the device in water with it turned off. He held it for a while, pulled it out, turned it on, the device works. Oh well, “where did ours not disappear,” I thought and went to look for the treasured gold and diamonds.

The first confident color signal cheered me up a little. I picked it up with a scuba the first time, but as it turned out later, this doesn’t always work out that way. Nakhodka advice walker. At that very moment, on the lake on the other side of the shore, a local man was fishing in the reeds. He, of course, watched my actions with interest. Eh, another rumor will spread around the village about me, that, they say, I’ve gone completely crazy. But don't get used to it.


The second signal, already a ruble. Well, there isn’t much left to recoup the cost of the device with finds))) I wanted to continue, but then, in the evening, the wind finally died down, and a swarm of midges flew at me. It was useless to shrug it off; I had to quickly get out of the water, badly bitten, pack my things, and go home.

Testing of the device was not completed, so two days later, I got ready before lunch, looked at the forecast, and most importantly, the wind outside was moderately strong. The second stage of testing showed that not everything is as rosy and optimistic as it seemed at the planning stage.


  • The scoop turned out to be practically useless at a depth of more than a meter, where sand was replaced by white dense clay. So, in the future, in such areas we will have to work with a diving pinpointer. I have swimming goggles, so this is the second stage of testing.
  • Simplex+ Plus works stably when completely immersed in water. It didn’t get wet, didn’t break, and this fact can be considered a clear advantage. (irony)
  • When the unit is immersed in water, the sound from the speaker clearly fades, although if you put your ear to the water you can hear it well. However, you will need wireless headphones.
  • In muddy water it is very difficult to determine the target location the first time. Therefore, it is possible to hook the find with a scuba the third or fifth time. I'll try the pinpointer. Moreover, I have Garrett, which is waterproof up to three meters.
  • The vibration mode turned out to be useless. Due to the resistance of the water, the device itself “trembled” with sudden movements.
  • A good find is a great motivator and makes you want to “dig” more and more.


Naturally, the children's earring I found showed that the testing was not in vain. And this means studying and testing will continue. Follow our blog posts, subscribe, comment and hit the thumbs up.


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