Party Gold (Competitive Digger Story!)

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Good afternoon dear brothers.

Perhaps I’ll start my story from last year.

One day in the summer of 2016, my colleagues and I went, as expected, on a Sunday to do our favorite hobby in an open field to the site of a former village. The field turned out to be plowed and, as it later turned out, also private territory. The place delighted us with various finds and everyone was very happy that there was no need to move and we dug with pleasure. The set of tools in our armory was as follows: Whites with a deathch coil, Grater 705 standard, Aska and Explorer. There were no signs of trouble if we had not met the owner of the site, who hastily drove us away with a gun in his hands. We left and our cop was finished and decided to go home, but something haunted us about this place and the reaction of the owner of the site also surprised us. The next day, early in the morning, almost in the same composition, we arrived at that tempting field and, having collected our thoughts, fed the earthly grandfather, and refreshed ourselves with strong cooling drinks, we set about our business, showing honey mushrooms with each coin we found. It’s lunch time and I think I need to go have a snack, but no, I decided to spend 20 minutes and wrap another circle. After 10 minutes, a comrade comes up to me, and he was digging very close to me, about 10 meters away, and shows what??? Yes Yes exactly…he shows 10 rubles of Nicholas II.

Party Gold (Competitive Digger Story!)

In order not to scream from such joy, he hissed so that I would not scream, because the owner could be nearby, somewhere. Using the radio, the three of us gathered and began to quickly dig up this place. That feeling when you hear a clear signal and realize that it is a gold coin is indescribable. Continuing to dig, coins appeared and appeared from the ground, and you rub them with your hand and they become new and shine beautifully. In the end, we dug up 35 coins in gold denomination, mostly 30 nickels and 5 tens. We never found the pot; apparently the coins were in a rag or something wooden. Our joy was off the scale, so we hastily packed up and left, burying this pit so as not to burn ourselves in front of the owner.

Party Gold (Competitive Digger Story!)

Party Gold (Competitive Digger Story!)

In the new year of 2017, I decided to go there again and try my luck. It’s impossible to get to this area in the spring, and all summer I came every week to check whether this place was plowed or not, whether the grass was long or everything was mowed, in general I kept myself in good shape and made sure that no extra mouths appeared. August came and I waited for this moment and having invited my colleagues to continue the golden campaign with me, I received a refusal from everyone. I went there alone with hope for the best and not a fraction of a doubt that everything would be great, I wouldn’t dig up gold, there would be copper and excellent finds from antiquity. I walked around this area for about 7 hours, dug up some coins and was already getting ready to go home, and as it should be, I’ll wave the metal detector one last time. I’m digging the signal, I see that it’s shining, I’m clearing it from the ground, and yes, yes, yes, I thought in my heart, but it turned out to be a Soviet troika, and my heart was beating and excited me again, and the adrenaline forced me to continue digging. 30 minutes later, another Soviet signal. I’m digging and here I am a donkey and 2 gold coins fall out. I'm shocked at the 15 ruble face value. I couldn’t scream, I just sat down on a soft place and rejoiced inside, squeezing the coins in my hand. After some time, I gathered my courage and decided to dig two by two to a bayonet depth. I dug up two more gold coins and jumped silently with happiness and good luck. It was already starting to get dark, and with a light heart and euphoria, I drove home, and when I showed everyone what I had found, they were simply in shock.

Party Gold (Competitive Digger Story!)

The conclusion of the whole story is this: dig and you will be happy. The coins don't come by themselves. I wish everyone more useful finds and check all the missing places.

Yu. Fedor. Kirov region.

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