Purchase and first cop with XP Deus (happened!)

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For all my digging experience, I have managed to use many detectors. I have always been interested in how this or that frequency works in practice, whether there is a golden mean among detectors, I tried several initial devices, then switched to semi-professionals and found several truly good devices that brought me a lot of finds, but I, like any digger , I always dreamed of a professional device. And among professional devices we have a small selection — Fisher F75, XP Deus or from the Minelab series of devices — Explorer (SE, E-Trac), or the famous CTX 3030 (Styx or Zozo, whoever calls it).

But spending 1000 euros or more (and almost 2000 euros for Zozo) was an unbearable expense for me and I kept an eye on the market for used devices. I kept an eye on it for a long time and even thought about the E-Trac, but they couldn’t negotiate on the price, and it’s even good that they didn’t, because a month later I noticed a fresh advertisement for the sale of XP Deus for 500 euros. The sale included a coil and a unit, without headphones. I bargained, we agreed on a price, the device was little used, the price was nice, so I became the happy owner of Deus and joined the ranks of «Deus Adepts»!

The device itself:

The first cop in the war with the XP Deus metal detectorNaturally, I was eager to test the device in action, and one working day after work I decided to go to the cops with my comrade. We didn’t manage to walk around for a long time, we arrived at a place not far from the city, where I often check my instruments, because the forest there is convenient, there were small battles in 1944, there were many positions left, there was even a German trash heap, which we dug several times. There are a lot of signals, interesting finds are also often encountered. I once wrote about one of the cops in that place here: Cop in the war with Makro Racer 2 (photos of findings+). There I picked up a belt buckle, a German helmet and a GTO sign.

The first cop in the war with the XP Deus metal detectorQuite often, even learning a simple entry-level metal detector takes time, as it did for me with the Fisher F44, so it is clear that the first outing with the Deus will be difficult. But I read the manual several times before going out, which I advise you all to do, because I already understood what values ​​and settings should be used, fortunately, Deus initially has many factory programs that you can turn on and go looking for, they will really bring you finds. < /p>

The first cop in the war with the XP Deus metal detectorHere’s an example of a find — «cupcake» to the German MG-42 machine gun. This is the name of a 50-round magazine; it looks a lot like a cupcake. In the photo below you can see how the occupiers are pointing at something, and on the bipod there is an MG-42 and a «cupcake», drum magazine Gurttrommel 34/42.German MG-42 machine gun MG-42 and a drum magazine for it

From small first remarks, what surprised you about Deus:

  • Depth — I took a small bottle of some kind of powder (without labels) for one and a half bayonets of a shovel.
  • Recognition of large objects made of ferrous metal — with my settings (GM POWER) it throws into a bright colored coping signal (VDI 95-96). XP promises to fix this in the new update 4.0, I wrote about it here.
  • Versatility in settings — you can play with the settings and, with the proper experience, configure the device for any specific task, be it a cop in war, a cop in the forest, in a field or on the beach.
  • Lightness and compactness — it’s just no comment! I walked through the forest, decided to move to a new place, just folded the device in a second and walked through all the jungle, without fear of snagging a wire or something else. You hardly feel it in your hand, it easily fits into a backpack.

It’s curious that when I turned on the pin and put Deus aside, Deus began to make noise from the pin’s operation. Is the device really so sensitive? The other detectors are usually silent with pins, but Deus sang. Or it all depended on the settings, perhaps the threshold tone was at a low level?

The first cop in the war with the XP Deus metal detector

Well, one last photo — «cupcake» and a block from Deus. I will continue to master Deus, go digging and write about my findings!

Good luck on the mine! And I collect everything about Deus in this topic, come in, there’s a lot of interesting stuff there!

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