Stash in the closet (Competitive story of a digger)

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I have been interested in antiquities since early childhood. But I began to think seriously about the search at the age of twelve, when my grandfather showed me a coin he had found – 1 kopeck from 1830. I remember at that time I even wanted to buy a metal detector for a hundred hryvnia, but I quickly realized that it was an ordinary toy and changed my mind. Since then, whenever I visited my grandfather in the village in the summer, I always tried to find something interesting. And what’s most amazing — I always found something. 50 kopecks from 1922 in an old sewing machine left over from my great-grandfather, 20 kopecks from 1932 lying at the bottom of a vase, 10 kopecks from 1907 lying in a drawer on the table, two kopecks from 1759 (with St. George) in the closet of the old summer kitchen. It would take too long to talk about them all: just look at the most interesting of them.

Stash in the closet (Competitive story of a digger)And now I want to tell you about my latest discovery. As usual, when I came to visit my grandfather in the village in the summer, I did not forget about my hobby. But then failure awaited me: I had already found everything on my grandfather’s territory. I only came across a few Soviet coins. Then I remembered my grandfather’s stories. Next door to us stood an almost completely destroyed house made of clay. The owners left it during the USSR and have not appeared since then. As you know, the house was plundered for materials over so many years, and it partially collapsed. But the most interesting thing remains. There were rumors that some documents were hidden in the house, which the entire village was looking for, but to no avail. So, I decided to try my luck.

To begin with, I read on the Internet where to look for hiding places in old houses. Then I crawled around the whole house up and down: I looked in the corners, checked the window sills, the stove and the chimney, the house had no roof, so I didn’t check the attic, due to its absence 🙂 It took me about three days, but I couldn’t find anything. And so, getting ready to leave, I looked at the cabinet near the wall (it was probably load-bearing) and was dumbfounded. A small part of the ceiling was supported by the cabinet, the door was slightly open, and the top lid of the cabinet was pressed a little inward under the weight. And it seemed to me that there was something painted on a piece of wood: “an icon!” I thought. But after a couple of minutes I realized that the tree had simply deteriorated and darkened with something, resembling a face. I despaired once again.

However, trying to get the piece of wood, I broke the cabinet lid a little more. Something blue could be seen from there. It turned out to be a battered kaleidoscope. But the most interesting thing came next. I noticed some pieces of paper and took them out. These turned out to be bonds and one banknote of Tsarist Russia with a face value of 5 rubles in 1909. Look at the photo at this beauty:

Cache in the closet (Competitive story of a digger)I didn’t stop there and continued to pull out objects sandwiched between the remains of the ceiling and the lid of the cabinet. Among the interesting things there were shoulder straps, an emblem of military drivers (wheels, steering wheel and wings, I didn’t take a photo of them) and a toy — lead replica of a rifle (a star is scratched on the back).

Cache in the closet (Competitive story of a digger)By the way, it would be interesting to know more about such toys, because this is not the first time I have found them. Here, for example, is a lead model of the German pistol Lugger P08.

Stash in the closet (Competitive story of a digger)And here’s another find. Who knows what it is? There are suggestions that candles were extinguished in churches with the help of this thing. Inside there are traces of burning and the number “6” or “9” depending on how you look at it.

Cache in the closet (Competitive story of a digger)I understand that for experienced diggers my “treasure” will seem childish, but I’m only 16, my treasures are still ahead. Good luck everyone!

Sent by Andrey S.

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