Walking around the Kyrgyz Republic with a metal detector (finds+)

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The abbreviation KR is familiar to many diggers. And for those who, for various reasons, do not use this abbreviation and therefore do not know about it, we explain: KR – Kievan Rus. Since the Old Russian state occupied a large territory, many diggers now have the opportunity to find various objects of that period.

I think it will not be a secret that all the places of ancient settlements have already been pretty much knocked out, and the law does not allow digging in some of them. So after the autumn plowing, like pilgrims going to holy places, diggers are drawn to the ancient Russian disappeared villages.

So, one quiet day, we decide to go to the field, which contains in its vast expanses the earthen ramparts of a once glorious settlement.

Walk around the Kyrgyz Republic with a metal detector (finds+)

It would be naive to believe that on this weekday day we will be the only ones on the field. Over there on the edge is a comrade walking with a Deus, and over there in the middle, having arrived in a stylish foreign car, is a digger running with ACE 400.

My first interesting find today is an arrowhead.

Walk around the Kyrgyz Republic with a metal detector (finds+)

I love these items, which are not so easy to find among other iron trash.

The next interesting artifact I dig up is an iron buckle.

Walk around the Kyrgyz Republic with a metal detector (finds+)

I always thought that the Russians had bronze ones, but this find clearly shows that they also had iron ones.

Further searching through the plowed field, I dug up an object that looked like a tip.

Walk around the Kyrgyz Republic with a metal detector (finds+)

Maybe a leak, or maybe some kind of puncture.

Well, finally there is an ancient bronze item on my Nel Tornado.

Walk around the Kyrgyz Republic with a metal detector (finds+) The save, however, let us down, but I can make out what it is. Buttons were not so common at that time, so clothes were fastened with fasteners like this. One of its edges was sewn, and on the other inner edge there was a hook.

Different shmurdyak, both iron and bronze, I’m already tired of digging. But since we are limited by time on this day, it’s time to get ready for the return journey.

And right about 30 meters from the car, at a depth of a shovel bayonet, my X-Terra 505 catches a large piece of a bracelet.

Walk around the Kyrgyz Republic with a metal detector (finds+)

In the middle of the ridge there is a small herringbone notch – it is not visible in the photo. Only a noble lady could wear such a massive bracelet.

Well, this is the result of a short walk around the Kyrgyz Republic with a metal detector.

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