The largest Anglo-Saxon treasure (lots of gold)

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Anglo-Saxon treasure

Here’s an interesting story about the discovery of one of the most expensive treasures in the world! This happened not so long ago — in 2009.

5 July 2009 Terry Herbert went plowing near Hammerwich (Staffordshire, England) without even knowing what a unique find awaited him. For five whole days he dug this field, punctually packing finds of gold and silver into plastic bags. When the signals ran out and he counted them, there were 244 pieces!

Having collected all this wealth, Terry called the archaeologists to get the tractor adjusted. A shallow pit measuring 9 x 13 meters was dug; the treasure was scattered across this area of ​​the plowed field. In total, more than 3,500 objects and their fragments were found.

We didn’t stop there. In March 2010, archaeologists dug a total of 100 meters of trenches in the field where the treasure had previously been discovered, but found nothing. However, in November 2012, after another plowing, as if by magic, dozens more objects were found in this field, most of which belonged to the previously removed treasure! I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s still crowded; there are always plenty of people willing to partake in the diggers’ great find.

What was so valuable found there? ;apples»). The most mysterious item — gold plate measuring 179 mm x 15.8 mm x 2.1 mm. It contains a quote from the Bible in Latin (translated): «Arise, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered; and let them who hate you flee before you». This tablet, most likely, was previously on a shield or adorned the pendant of a sword.

The rest can be listed endlessly, better look at the photos!

Who knows, maybe you will be lucky this season!

Stories about interesting finds are collected here, and information on treasures can be found here.

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