This meadow has its own secret. Here the coins lie in the ground according to their logic

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Today I went out to dig for coins in my favorite place, which is on the shore of our lake. I've been digging there every spring for like five years in a row. And I’m not the only one digging there. From time to time, I came across traces of digging from competitors or fellow hobbyists. However, no one dug there as persistently and as regularly as I did, and today I realized why.


One of the results of a cop in this meadow last year

I arrived at the place around 4 pm. Today we had to wait until the snow and rain finished their wet work. I got out of the car and began to pack. Headphones, a lost-and-found bag, a pin, gloves and, of course, a metal detector. I go out into the meadow and see that there is an ATV standing in the middle and the figure of a digger is wandering across the meadow, in the spots between the snow that has not yet melted.


The weather this year is full of surprises, to put it mildly)

I go like this, dig for signals and unobtrusively get closer to each other. He said hello, and in return he also heard wishes of health. The comrade and I talked. What, how? How long have you been in the “profession”? Kamrad said that it’s been seven years since he bought his first MD, a classic – Turka 705. But this year, I decided to pamper myself and bought XP ORX. And, I have an “orc”, so it’s a good reason to talk about a general topic.


By the way, I asked the comrade what he managed to find here today. And he waved his hand in anger and said that the coins had long since run out. “Yes, how can that be?” I was surprised. I had three exits in a week, all with coins, and silver, and each time one empire coin. And he (comrade) is clearly doing something wrong and something is wrong.


And, I wanted to share one secret. The fact is that here, in this water meadow, the coins lie a little deeper than the ubiquitous vodka corks. Oh, the traffic jams here are like in a park near a beer kiosk. Moreover, what is interesting is that all coins have a backing made from the remains of grass. That is, it turns out that once a coin fell to the ground, pressed several blades of grass and, thanks to the copper in the alloys, preserved those pieces of grass. At the same time, this entire preserved medium, in the form of a lump, constantly sank deeper and deeper into the ground. I can assume that it was not the coins that sank into the ground, but that silt was constantly washing up from above after the next flood and overflow of the lake.


But the fact is that corks and other foil lie exclusively at a depth of no more than 10 centimeters. Soviet coins are at a depth of 15 to 25 centimeters, while imperial coins are at a depth of almost a spade bayonet or more. There are also lead bullets from guns from the second half of the 19th century. Apparently there was once a shooting range here.


So, in order to dig for coins in this meadow effectively and without unnecessary nerves, you need to determine the depth of the target by the sound of the metal detector. The high, loud ones are allowed to pass, and the weak and filamentous ones are dug. And then the result will always be excellent.


In general, I wanted, out of the kindness of my heart and out of general humanistic principles (a raven's eye to a raven…) to share my many years of observation, and then suddenly I thought: “Oh, why? Let him learn all the tricks and subtleties of instrument search.”


A mercantile and selfish act, some of my readers will think. Well, I’ll say that after half an hour I didn’t regret this decision at all. So, this “comrade” turned out to be from the typical category of not entirely decent diggers. He doesn’t bury holes, but throws the dug up corks and pieces of foil in the same place where he dug them up. Oh, the holes must be filled here; in this meadow in the summer the villagers graze their cows. People swear and promise to raise pitchforks.


And as for the secret and my advice, for many of you it will be literally useless, and within the subtext, maybe someone will once again think that in a cop you need to analyze as much as possible everything that can be analyzed and try to understand the logic every good location.


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