Three reasons that will make buying a pinpointer seem obvious

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Hello dear comrade and respected lover of instrument search. If you are still digging according to the principle of one of Murphy’s laws “ If something looks stupid, but at the same time it works as it should, then it is brilliant .” Then you and I have exactly the same approach to the process of digging itself. Personally, I approach my favorite hobby rationally. Including, and generally first of all, this applies to equipment, and all kinds of body kits, gadgets, gadgets.

Sphinx 01

Up until a certain point in time, I had absolutely the same “rational” attitude towards buying a pinpointer. Yes, what can I say, and the purchase of the first pin itself was just as “rational”. It is in quotation marks, since there was very little rationality in that. Although everyone should learn from their mistakes. Well, or at least on our own. But, these are all lyrics, but in essence we will now talk. Each digger who deliberately postpones the purchase of a pinpointer has his own logical and rational reasons. And yet, I hope that after reading this note, the hackers who still consider the pinpointer an unnecessary waste of money will change their minds.

Sphinx 01

And so, the arguments.

Greed. Surprisingly true? And it was like this. A comrade came to visit me for the weekend, and we went with him to see an interesting place, there once seemed to be a road there. We walk with him, dig up all sorts of garbage, sometimes we come across copper poops, and then the comrade calls me on the phone and says “Wallet” with undisguised excitement. I rush headlong towards him, so that it is only a hundred meters away. A typical plowing of the purse of scales, a torch area of 15-20 meters, they began to dig for distillation, whoever is larger. Me alone, comrade three, me alone, him three. What a bastard!!! What's the matter? And the fact is that his pin is good, and I have Chinese Aliexpress. This pinpointer only sees large coins. So we had to work on the scales the old fashioned way, moving the lump around the reel. And there the field is overgrown; they haven’t plowed it for thirty years, which is why the roots of the grass are thick and strong. It was spring, and therefore the ground was sticky and naturally wet. And so, while I was tearing up the roots of the lumps of dirt, the comrade quickly kicked, pop-clap and done, pop-clap and ready. I wish I could hold a grudge against him, but it’s my own fault. So, dear readers, draw your own conclusions. Either go to the cops alone or buy a pinpointer.


Thrift . This example will be of interest to those who have decided to master forest mining. The fact is that in the forest you have to dig often, cutting the roots of bushes and undergrowth. You need to work with great force and often the find can be at a depth greater than a bayonet. Therefore, it is extremely important to accurately determine its location in the hole. Moreover, if the target is deep, then its alignment with the device may not coincide with its actual location. And, here, one accidental blow with a shovel can damage a very good and even very expensive find. So, I work in the forest as follows. I dig a hole next to the signal, and then I determine its location with a pin, and then I work with my hands. This is easy to do in good sand. And, also on the field, when the signal is deep, you have to look for a long time where it is. Digging deeper and then widening the hole. This is where pin comes in very handy.

Three reasons that will make buying a pinpointer seem obvious

Family relationships. This year, the wife set strict conditions for one of my friends. Like, this way and that, we’re going to the dacha for the weekend so that you can spend time with the children, they don’t see you all week anyway. “And you, with your cop, don’t even see the kids on the weekends. In general, first you walk with the children, and then you just go to dig.”

And we understand that a dacha is an object where you also have to work. So, there was no more than an hour left for digging. I had to get out of it, my friend decided to combine walking with the children and copping on the field. He gave his daughter a pinpointer and told her what and how she would need to look for finds after digging out of the hole. And, guess what? A ten year old girl liked this so much. She got involved and goes for walks with her dad and solves an interesting quest, because you never know what you can find, and besides, a pinpointer is not a complicated technical device.


Well, okay, a ten-year-old child, this year I saw a young guy and a girl at the cop, as if they were on a date. He has a metal detector with a shovel, and she has a pinpointer. I don’t know how interested the girl was in the process, but they walked around the field for four hours. We even found something good. They were so cute from the outside. So, dear readers, if you have a desire to instill a love for a cop in your children, or maybe you like a colleague (girl) at work, but you have no money and sense, so indiscriminately, buy a second device, you can just buy a good pinpointer and be confident that everything will be just fine.

Three reasons that will make buying a pinpointer seem obvious

That's the story. And I think the vigilant reader noticed that I did not give typical arguments, such as it is convenient, comfortable and looks pretentious from the outside. Especially if the pinpointer is not cheaper than a simple metal detector. All this is understandable, but I think many people found it interesting to read about the opportunity to spend more time with children.

I wish you all good luck, good mood and I hope that my note was interesting to you.

Three reasons that will make buying a pinpointer seem obvious

Obviously this digger did not have a pinpointer; if you look closely, you will see a vodka stopper on the top of the mound. And so the hole measures half a meter by half a meter

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