What is XP ORX good for a novice digger?

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Dear friends, I’ll say it right away without much preamble. If you have a choice, which device should you buy in the same price category as the XP ORX? Don’t torment yourself with unnecessary doubts, choose ORX. And that's why.

One of the main problems of professional metal detectors for beginners is the complex settings and multiple incomprehensible functions. I once read about an interesting marketing study by Whites. To their surprise, the company's engineers learned that two-thirds of the users of their devices use less than half the MD potential.


Therefore, in recent years, the main trend in the metal detector market is simplicity of functionality in models for beginners. The same principle: “Switch it on and the device works at maximum and user-friendly settings”

ORX has 4 basic programs and each of them is perfectly balanced for its type of cop. For example, I use almost exclusively only the 3rd program. Cop in the field is the 3rd program. All attempts to somehow correct the basic settings led to the understanding that the base was simply ideal for a field cop. There are certain points, but I will tell them later.

What does my entry into the field look like with ORX? He got out of the car, took out a device and a shovel, put on headphones, belted it with a bag, turned on the device and went to the field to dig. And, no more troubles with choosing a mode, torment over the topic of what setting to use, masks, thrash and other terms incomprehensible to the common man.


In professional devices, the user is always tempted to tweak something in the settings, or to set settings that were once “shot” on a cop, or settings that the user spied on from an incomprehensible but convincing blogger, as well as there are many other reasons. Therefore, in the end it turns out that the devices are used either in violation of the engineers’ plans, or they begin to irritate the user with unnecessary phantom signals. ORX has a so-called “fool-proof” principle, even if the user has made a lot of tricks without understanding what he has configured, tweaked and rebuilt, the 4 basic programs will always remain unchanged when the device is turned on.


But what about the most important indicator of ORX – detection depth? Here, I assure you, everything is very wonderful. When, for the first time in my practice, I dug up a Soviet troyachka at a depth of more than a spade bayonet, the feeling of my own superiority was on the verge of fantasy.


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