Award (Competitive Digger Story)

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I woke up early in the morning and something told me that the day would be successful! And it was precisely because of this premonition that, after collecting all my things (necessary for a cop) and putting them in the car, I hit the road. I went to the place where the village used to be.

Arriving at the place, I took everything I needed, closed the car, and moved towards the intended place.

Award (Competitive history of the digger)A light spring breeze blew into my face. It was a warm May day. The sun was shining brightly and was hiding behind the clouds, then coming out of them. It was just a great day to be a cop!

Having moved a sufficient distance from the car, I began the search. Mostly small metal debris was found. I also came across a couple of USSR coins, and one royal one.

Once again hearing the treasured sound of something being caught under the reel, I began to dig it out. Having dug it up and shaken it off a little, I saw that it was a small wooden chest with a metal lock. As soon as my hand touched it, a ghostly image of a girl immediately appeared in front of me.

Award (Competitive history of the digger)— By finding it, you awakened me. And now you must help me find peace, — she said in an icy voice.

My head started spinning, my vision went dark and I fell unconscious.

I woke up to something crawling along my hand. Opening my eyes, I saw that it was a huge fat caterpillar. Shaking my hand, I brushed it away. Then he sat down and began to look around. I was sitting under a pine tree in the forest. I felt a little uneasy. I heard a child crying and someone was crying not far from me.

I stood up, staggering, and followed the sound. After walking a little, now and then leaning on every tree trunk that came my way, I came out to a little girl sitting on a stump. She sat and wiped away her tears with a handkerchief.

When she saw me, she got scared. Frozen.

— Don’t be afraid, — I started telling her. — I won’t hurt you. I want to help you. What happened? — I asked, coming closer to her. The girl didn’t look so scared anymore.

— I got lost while walking in the forest — she said in a thin childish voice.

— And you know the way back?

— I know, — She wiped her tears with a handkerchief, sniffling. — But I won’t go alone. I’m scared.

— I will go with you. Let’s go, — I helped her get up from the stump.

The girl smiled and led me towards her house. We walked and talked. They talked about different things. And suddenly I find out that it is now 1868. Cold sweat ran all over my body………. I also found out that the girl’s name is Alevtina. She — very kind and cheerful. She kept telling me about a family of hedgehogs living in their house under a raspberry bush. And she promised to show them to me.

Meanwhile it was getting dark. And we still haven’t reached Alevtina’s house. I heard the howling of jackals, sometimes in the distance, sometimes very close. Alevtina was very afraid and offered to climb a tree and spend the night there. But it was too late.

One jackal jumped out right in front of me. The fur is torn off, part of the ear is missing. It’s good that he was alone for now. There was a flashlight in his hands. I couldn’t think of anything better than to sharply dedicate them to him right in the eyes, thus blinding him for a while.

Alevtina said that there was very little left to her house. Indeed, the lights of huts could be seen in the distance.

Blinding the jackal, we ran forward as fast as we could. They ran, I listened to the sounds. There seems to be no chase. That’s good.

We reached the entrance to the village. After running a little further and catching our breath there, we went to Alevtina’s house. He was very close.

The house was no different from all the houses that were in the village: the same wooden and with a chimney from the stove. The shutters were closed, but despite this, the light from the candles lit in the house could be seen through them. I knocked. Someone’s footsteps were heard, and the door opened with a creak. In front of us stood a tall man with a wide face, light eyes and dark, tanned skin. He was dressed in a white shirt, belted with a belt, trousers and bast shoes on his feet.

— Dad! — Alevtina shouted joyfully and rushed to him.

Her father looked at her sternly, but smiled. Alevtina told him what happened and who I was. We stood in the hallway. Tikhon Stepanovich (that was her father’s name) looked at me approvingly and offered to spend the night with them. I agreed. After all, it was already dark, deep night, and I didn’t really want to go into the forest again.

Alevtina went into the cage to make my bed. Tikhon Stepanovich and I were sitting at the table, talking.

— Tikhon Stepanovich, why does Alevtina go into the forest herself in the evening? — I wondered, sitting on an oak bench and tapping my fingers on the table.

— She’s a good girl, but she’s still small. Smart. But he brings shifters into the house at night! — he said and sharply swung a knife at me, which he pulled out so quickly that I didn’t even have time to understand anything.

Out of surprise, I fell and began to crawl back to find at least something with which I could fight back. But as luck would have it, nothing came to hand and I couldn’t get up.

The last thing I saw was the evil eyes of Tikhon Stepanovich, who hissed through his teeth about the fact that it was not in vain that the master gave him this knife then. My head started spinning and I lost consciousness.

I woke up at home. When I opened my eyes, at first I couldn’t believe that I was home! He began to examine himself: there was not a single scratch. I was safe and sound.

This made me very happy! And I began to look around my favorite room and discovered that on the windowsill there was the same chest that I dug up yesterday.

Getting up and going to the window, I, afraid that something would happen again, did not decide for a long time to take it. But, nevertheless, interest took over and I decided to open it.

This time, the lock opened without any problems. The lid of the chest opened, and I saw that it contained a pair of silver rings and a cross with a crucifix. Taking them in my hands and examining them, I noticed that there was a small piece of paper in the chest.

Taking it and unfolding it, I read:

《From Alevtina with gratitude for your help》.

And I smiled. After all, I realized that this — my reward. And it contained this girl’s most valuable things. She thanked me for saving her life with the most precious thing she had. This is happiness to realize that you were able to help someone. Thank you all for your attention. And may there always be someone in your life who will come to your aid at any second.


Sincerely, Sergey

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