2 ways to lose a pinpointer. Hunt rules

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Last week my buddy forfeited his pinpointer. He had chosen the second way. An insidious option, no alarm will help. And it works well. Oops… The pinpointer has gone!

If you don’t have your own pinpointer, it’s good. So I will get more finds for me )) And you won’t have to buy a new device after losing the old one. Because you get used to this accessory so much that hunting without it seems to be miserably slow.

Way 1

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Surely you know this one – to forget the pinpointer near the hole. The good and worthy way. Of course, it’s better if the device is black. It’s more difficult to see it on the dark ground and there will also be more chances to tread on it. It’s good if you are hunting in the grass – the pinpointer will be definitely lost there and be lying quietly until deep autumn.


But if you have a habit of not switching the pinpointer off (I turn it off) and it has an alarm feature – there is a chance to find it out. This chance is limited though. For example, a new Garrett PRO-Pointer AT will give you just a 5 minutes sound. Hurry up!

Way 2

Oh, how insidious the second way is! That is how my buddy forfeited his pinpointer… We were walking through the wood and it simply dropped out! Have you seen how I carry the pinpointer while hunting lately?


The holster is fastened to the horizontal strap on the backpack (by the way, I find it very convenient). My friend had his one attached in the same way… We were going to the hunting spot through the wood, it was hot. He unfastened that strap and it was dangling behind (together with the pinpointer). And it was more than just a through-the-wood walk: there were places with either grass up to the waist or bushes – we were kind of bushwhacking. It dropped out at one time or another, the pinpointer only knows where… Now he is going to buy a new one.

The pinpointer must be bright! Not pink, of course (there are also such samples), but orange or yellow one (at least having a bright cap or colored duct tape wrapping).


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