A collector of old detectors. What for?

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See one photo: here be a collector of old detectors. The man has gathered more than 30 models in his collection and is searching for more. Moreover, he isn’t asking for them, but is willing to buy up these dinosaurs. Why are these old machines needed?


These are the real dinosaurs… There are a lot of interesting things in the history of metal detectors. Want to see what they looked like before we were born? Or what was it like going on hunt in a limo in the 90s?


Please draw your attention to… a center left metal detector with green screen and white buttons. Turns out, it’s the Adonis Titanium (France). The really rare machine! Presumably it must have been the pulse induction detector with discrimination feature and VDI. 3 microprocessors, georadar with 3D visualization. And it was 2007!



I am wondering, why didn’t the world see the Adonis Titanium detector? Maybe XP Detectors, another manufacturer, bought it up at that time?

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