Autumn cop or what can be found in an ordinary old field with a metal detector? (Photo+)

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Salute to the comrades!

Autumn is in full swing, for us this means that the last months of digging are ahead of this year, soon the snow will cover the ground, and the cold will freeze it so much that it will be impossible to dig without a pick! And another important point — a metal detector is also an expensive toy and an electronic instrument that is afraid of the cold, so it’s better not to take it out into the cold again, you never know what will fly or break, so look in the manual for the specifications of your metal detector and see what its operating temperature range is, if you break it, then the case will not be covered by warranty.

what can be found in a regular old field with a metal detector?Given a task. 🙂 Above in the photo is an ordinary field, which on the map of the beginning of the twentieth century and the end of the nineteenth is marked as in use, i.e. there was no forest here, and if at the beginning of the twentieth century the field was used by peasants, then it is quite likely that if the villages around are ancient, then the field should be about the same age as the villages. Or some part of the field. We came to explore, the cold was unpleasant, a strong wind was blowing and chilling to the very bones, but I wanted to dig. Therefore the task — what can you find in such a field? Especially if you came there for the first time and don’t even know what there is here? That’s what you came for. 🙂 We unload, take out the equipment — shovels, metal detectors, pinpointers, bags for finds and scoops.

what can be found in a regular old field with a metal detector?As you can see — two people, two devices: ICQ 400i is new, we wrote a lot about it here(an interesting device turned out to be — look at the posts too), with a Cannone coil from Cors (essentially — Nel Thunder, new in 2016, we wrote about them here and here) — an excellent set for an advanced beginner in mining, in fact, a killer combination for raising coins and reconnaissance in such fields, and I and my Turk — Makro Racer 2, Racer 2, Racer, I wrote a lot about it here, those who are looking for information about it, I advise you to look at my posts.

They started combing. It turned out that the field was very promising, but the harvest did not allow the reel to be driven exactly above the ground, this straw sticks out of the ground at a height of 20 cm and it is very difficult to pass it with the reel, so you have to move the reel over the straw, which takes away the depth. Well, let’s collect everything that’s on the surface. It was easier for the comrade to move the coil from Cors Labs over such an obstacle than for me with a small standard coil from Macro, but the size of the coil has its advantages.

In addition to various black things, from which there were many signals, I managed to catch the first interesting signal, dug it out and was surprised at what button I picked up. Russian Empire, large button with a beautiful eagle on it. It seems that even the color of the gilding has been preserved a little, and the eagle itself is embossed and with drooping wings. An interesting find goes into the bag.

what can be found in a regular old field with a metal detector?Moving on, a button on a cop is a good sign, because if you lose a button, you will also lose a coin, people are always the same. 🙂 And so it turned out, I walked around a little more with the device and here it is — cherished signal. So crisp and clear (VDI 94-95) that there is no doubt that this is a coin. The signal is clear from all directions — I make sure to check each signal crosswise, i.e. first I move the coil over the signal left and right, then I turn 90 degrees and move the coil again, the difference in the sound and VDI indicators of the metal detector gives more information about the object from below.

what can be found in a regular old field with a metal detector?The signal in the photo, I haven’t dug it up yet, I was so confident in my Racer 2, I even took a picture without digging it up, I know there’s a coin underneath! And it turned out that way.

what can be found in a regular old field with a metal detector?But, unfortunately, a terrible poop. I’ll have to clean it later and see what kind of coin it was. Sorry for saving it, but there’s nothing to be done, the poop will be useful for tests! I don’t mind scratching it.

Do you think that’s all? No! The desire to dig and the fight against the cold (the more you dig, the warmer it gets), forced me to check more signals and run faster across the field. As a result, several more coins rose, then more, and in the end I found an interesting thing with the number 2 and some silhouettes above it. I will clean it and see what it really is. Among the finds are ordinary coins that are often dug up in our land, these are both the Empire and the Swedes.

what can be found in a regular old field with a metal detector?There must be silver or even gold on the field somewhere! And this means that you need to remember the place and come here in the spring, when the snow melts, the straw won’t be so high, and local farmers will plow this field again. 🙂 So look for places to dig, go exploring, study maps and luck will certainly smile on you and give you finds! How I raised the silver ruble with Racer 2, read? The whole story of here! It was also a matter of intelligence.

where to go to cop humor funny joke diggingComrades, use the last weeks of the cop to the fullest, the finds will not raise themselves, they are waiting for us! Good finds and great cop!

If someone needs motivation to dig, then I collect interesting finds and treasures on the blog here. We saw photos of Viking treasures? This also lies somewhere in the ground! And golden imperial priced at 4500 euros? Will pay for the entire coin for a couple of years to come! But if 4500 euros is not enough, then $15,000 for the found coin — lucky one digger!

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