Comparison: Garrett AT PRO & Golden Mask Thracian

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If I were a seller, I would easily manage to sell these both machines. One or two practical tests – and you would become an owner of a new detector, the one I would be interested in. Most significantly, without cheating at all… But I am not a seller. It’s all the same to me which manufacturer will take money out of your pocket.

The Garrett AT PRO is better

Do you want a turn-on-and-go machine? No matter how experienced you are – the Garrett AT PRO will stoop to any newbie’s level. And… will grow with you.

The Garrett AT PRO has everything you need to be successful while searching – a large DD coil, discrimination, VDI, ground balance. Plus, the Garrett AT PRO is capable enough to work at hunting spots where the concentration of finds is above average. Also, the device can be submerged in water.

What is an above-average concentration of finds? This is when you dig everything and anything without understanding what you are digging, wasting your time and effort. Or when you simply walk away from this hunting spot after 10 minutes, because continuous signals tear your brain all to pieces.

I can’t say the Garrett AT PRO is the best of metal detectors at such spots – there are machines that are even more capable. But for all that, the AT PRO can distinguish between close together targets. Even when it’s equipped with large coils.

All of the Garrett AT PRO recovery speed tests are collected here. There are different ones conducted while using the stock and additional coils.

When a metal detector is waterproof – it’s a great advantage. It’s just practice, however, when you become aware of it. Let’s assume that you come to a hunting spot, and suddenly it begins to rain… While others are wearing plastic bags (which will sweat on the inside then) over their machines, you keep wading through mud. When putting the detector on the grass, you don’t worry about dew. After an outing, it’s a pleasure for me to wash my Garrett AT PRO under a direct stream of water. By the way, my machine never knew what a rain cover was. So, I saved my money ))

But it can also happen that… No matter how long you hunt for antiquities or war relics, there will come a day when you come to the beach with your machine. So, leave your competitors and annoying looky loos behind your back and go into the water – there you’ll be looking for finds with great relish, and nobody will distract you.

There is one thing I’ve noticed while beach hunting. Personally I am a modest hobbyist. Sweeping the metal detector in full view of looky loos is one hell of an ordeal for me. The most annoying are idle inquiries, requests to show the finds as well as selfies taken with me in the background (such things also happened). Usually you start hunting on the beach in the morning and finish it when the beach gets filled with holidaymakers. But if you are searching in water, you will have 1-1.5 hours of extra time. Looking for finds in water is as exciting as it is on land.

The Golden Mask Thracian is better

What’s your attitude towards the fact that you leave the finds behind? Most probably you never wondered about it. Those who are aware of it don’t hunt with the AT PRO. Bury small silver coins or a gold ring up to the very depth limit, and try to detect these targets with the Garrett AT PRO – you’ll get an unclear signal. Not everybody will want to dig this one.

Then try to detect the same targets with the Golden Mask Thracian… There is no need to say anything else. Simply the Golden Mask Thracian pulls you up to its level.


How the Golden Mask Thracian responds to close together targets

That’s what the Garrett AT PRO and Golden Mask Thracian are – both good and effective machines. All info on Garrett AT PRO is collected here and here. All about Golden Mask Thracian is here and here.

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