How to drill a foundation on a tract (where to start, video+)

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Every digger at some point begins to ask himself a completely standard question — «where to go to dig?». Many places have already been knocked out, many places have already been walked and sometimes it is unknown where to go to dig, this causes a slight apathy and stagnation in your favorite hobby. But there is a way out — I need to start digging. Drilling is not so easy, because this is almost a real excavation and, in the old days, they are digging mainly ancient foundations of houses. How many finds can this bring? Maybe, naturally!

Now about how to drill.

  1. You need to find a place to dig. This  maybe an abandoned village, tract, farmstead, inn.
  2. Then you need to come to the place and determine where the specific foundation stood that you are going to dig.
  3. After this, it is necessary to determine the place, approximately how the house stood and how it was located. Usually they dig around the stove, but it’s better to start digging from the side of the windows and check the entire house from the windows to the stove.
  4. How is the pit going — you clear the entire area for the pit, scan it with a metal detector, remove the top layer, scan the layer below, then remove the layer again and so on until you reach the «mainland»  — a piece of land where the cultural layer disappears. Some comrades advise — In the digger, the mainland is still at bay and then you may find yourself with an even older cultural layer again, because the house could have stood, and then it was burned, and then 100 years later a house appeared in this place again.
  5. After the pit, do not forget to take all the garbage with you and bury the pit site. Leave everything as it was before you arrived.

There is a useful video on the equipment of the pit, I advise you to watch:

Everything is briefly and clearly said, how to find a place for a pit, how to understand where and in which room on the foundation everything was, where and from where it is better to start digging.

What kind of finds can be found during the mining process? And anything — from awards, medals and coins, to bottles and other personal items. You can’t do without garbage, but the deeper the pit, the less garbage; in the old days there wasn’t much garbage as such.

More videos and examples of pitting:


In very simple terms — dig a pit and you will be happy!

What were your most interesting finds in the pit? You can share photos in the comments, anonymously, of course!

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