Competitors' mistake. Or why visiting diggers didn’t stay long in the best field

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Observing the behavior of competitors on your favorite fields is a separate science. In order for there to be a desire to dig in a field that has been healed, you need to understand who dug here before and under what conditions. About the behavior of competitors or other diggers, including those who came to our area for reconnaissance, one could not only write a note, but write a whole book in four volumes, and here is one such illustrative story.

Saturday. Before lunch there were chores. After lunch I went into the forest to look for mushrooms. I found not only mushrooms, but also a new mushroom place, so I went home. At the entrance to the village I look, and in my field, and here, as a local, I can confidently say that it is MINE, some diggers with metal detectors are walking around. And, not one or two, but six at once.


Briefly about the field. According to the PGM, a village of about a dozen and a half households is drawn here; on Mende it no longer exists. In reality, the village stood 400 meters to the south; now there are vegetable gardens and residential buildings in our village. There is such an error on PGM. However, the field is very interesting and at one time a lot of good, worthwhile and creditable things were dug up there. Judging by the ceramics, there were three places on that field where separate courtyards stood at different times. There were two open wallets here, the Terrible and the Quiet. And, this is a very brief retelling of the 7 years of a cop in this field.

This year the field was left fallow throughout the summer. This is when they don’t sow, but only plow, and remove weeds three or four times during the summer. A week of heavy rains has passed and now this field is like a beach in Goa, the grass is just growing. I went out to dig a couple of times and I must say that under such conditions the field began to sparkle with new interesting finds. Scales, coins, crosses and other swag worthy of the digger’s attention. So, you understand my feeling when I saw six diggers in this field at once.


I handed over the mushrooms at home, the equipment, the shovel and the bag to the car and to the field. I arrive and can’t understand where this same crowd is that was here twenty minutes ago. According to all the laws of Kopar logic, they should have been in the very center of the field. Exactly where the PGM, superimposed on a modern satellite, indicates an ancient village. Of the six diggers, only one was approximately close to the desired point. And here is a list of errors that I observed in the behavior of this group on the field and its surroundings.

There are many of you and this is already a big mistake that affects the final result. No, if, of course, your main result is communicating with friends over a glass of tea away from your spouses, then this is your topic. If you have a pipe dream of finding a treasure or something rare and valuable, then excuse me. The larger and more diverse the team, the lower your chances of discovering something valuable.


And that's why. The main thing in our treasure hunting business is not luck and treasured cards, the main thing is persistence in achieving our goal. And if your partners’ main goal is to relax, have a drink and chat with intellectual interlocutors, then, you yourself understand, about the same geometric progression in the ratio of which your chances of finding treasure decrease with each new travel companion in the group.


Meanwhile, I was walking around the field. First of all, I went to two hillocks and, lo and behold, there were no other people’s traces there. This already suggested the professional skills of the visiting diggers. Then I went to points where medieval pottery lay abundantly. What do I see? There was a chain of footprints in one direction, two diggings, and the man moved on.

Okay, I'm going to dig, I have my first coin. I reach the middle of the field and see that five of the six diggers of some kind of demon are looking for something in the very bottom next to the swamp, and in general some of them went to look for coins in the mown meadow. The soil there is predominantly white clay. There have never been any finds in that meadow; two buttons and horse meat don’t count.


I stand, look, think. What brought them there? Well, the fact that they walk on mown but not harvested hay with their feet is an application for a conflict with a local farmer. If anyone doesn’t know, in our country hundreds of times more antique diggers suffer annually from conflicts with fermata than from police arrests.


The last sixth digger that was on the field came across a third area with a high density of ceramics. After the rain it was very clearly visible in the plowing field. He stopped and began to methodically tend the area. I went to dig for all the color signals. I found something interesting and put it in the trash bin. And, at that moment, a shout came from the edge of the field. “Kolya, let’s go to the cars, there’s nothing to do here.” Nikolai, without answering, pretended that he had not heard, and continued to look after the village. The shout was repeated louder and with the addition of obscenities. Nikolai swore under his breath and slowly trudged towards where their cars were parked at the corner of the field.


This is the typical story. To be honest, in my seven years of passion for instrument search, I haven’t seen that often companies with more than three people and at the same time, all three understood why they bought a metal detector, a shovel and came to this field now. Well, in the old days, I’ll tell you why a smart cop partner is more valuable than gold and more important than treasure in the next article. Be sure to subscribe to our channel in Zen, like the post if you have read this paragraph, and write in the comments what you think about going to the cops in large groups.


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