Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +)

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Quite recently, at one of the antiques auctions, a digger pulled down a unique cross from the times of Kievan Rus, made using cloisonne enamels technology. Gilded, with silver partitions, and two colors of enamel – a unique work of art by ancient masters.

Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +)

The cross weighs 15.1 grams and measures 55×35 millimeters. This could only be worn by a noble Russian in the 12th and first half of the 13th centuries.

Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +)

What do you think: how long did it take for the digger to say goodbye to this unique work of art? You won’t believe it, but the auction price of the KR cross in enamels reached just over $1,500. This price certainly pleased the buyer, since if the seller had offered his find not for 2 days, but for more, then the price tag could have exceeded 2000.

Full gallery of the find:

Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +) Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +)Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +)
Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +) Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +)Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +)
Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +) Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +)Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +)
Cross of Kievan Rus (find, price +)

Interesting cross! I wonder if the lost thing or the owner himself may lie somewhere nearby? Such finds can put not only $2000 in your pocket, but also a lot of interesting and useful information about that time, it’s a pity that not everyone can get such information. But this is an extremely necessary matter!

If you want to share your finds, then send us a story and photos of your finds to our e-mail: In addition — Now there is an interesting competition! Details here.

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