Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)

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How often do those who dig in the Kyrgyz Republic come across objects made using the cloisonné enamel technology? I’ll tell you – it’s extremely rare. Each such find is a unique, unparalleled work of art. So it is not at all surprising that an object with cloisonné enamels from the times of Kievan Rus, found with the help of a metal detector, causes a stir among true connoisseurs of this art.

And just the other day, a digger sold a cross-shaped icon with the face of the Savior Emmanuel, made using cloisonne enamels technology.

Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)This item dates back to the 12th century.

The reverse side of the icon has an original and very interesting design.

Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)They say that this cross-shaped icon is not included in any catalog – a real rarity.

Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find) Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)
Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)
Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)
Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)
Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)

The digger told the story of finding an artifact that he picked up with his metal detector Garrett AT PRO. Part of the field was not plowed, as tree branches there prevented the tractor from passing. And so the digger cleared everything there himself, and thereby gave the equipment the opportunity to go through the plow. And so the tractor unhinderedly plowed the place that gave it this icon.

Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)The technology for making cloisonné enamels has remained virtually unchanged since that time. Preparation: casting a bronze blank, preparing gold partitions, acquiring pigment and paint bases (crushing and abrading them). Setting up partitions, placing pigments — baking. For everything about everything, the master had to spend several working days, so the items were made in small quantities.

The cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel, which has 7 colors in cloisonne enamels (which is a lot), was sold by a digger for $1800.

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