Dagger of the Late Bronze Age (Competitive history of a digger!)

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Greetings dear community, I have never participated in digging competitions before this day, I decided to try my luck! So….

I have a digging place not far from my house — The mouth of the river is small, which flows into a small lake. Once upon a time people lived there, albeit in small numbers, the place there is good, but there is a problem with coins there, for some reason there are not many of them there, and there are not very many essentially metal signals there. So I’ll go there to take a break from the Soviet «garbage dumps», just wander around and admire the lake. Sometimes in the summer heat you look at the surface of the lake, a boat with fishermen who are trying to catch some fish is slowly rowing across the lake, sometimes you yourself want to dive into the blue coolness to cool down a little. But no, there’s not much time, I need to wander around with my MD and  indulge in your favorite hobby.
And then one day in 2011 (I don’t remember exactly, sorry), I then had an old Condor 7252, I’m going — I walk slowly with him, hoping to snag at least one coin with him, and drive away annoying horse flies with gadflies, while looking at the screen of the device, which sometimes draws intricate quackery with its hodograph :-)). And then at one point, between the hole left from the house and a small bump from some kind of extension belonging to this house, I catch a barely quiet color signal. Looking at the screen of my Condor — I look, he puts a straight line almost on the ground line. Well, finally, I thought, the long-awaited coin, and maybe a treasure, I thought with a little irony.
And I began to slowly dig and check the hole. Having dug about 30-35 centimeters, I found nothing in the lump, and the signal was still weak there. Having dug another five centimeters and checked what was dug, but no — The empty pit also beeps, barely audibly. I was already upset — it doesn’t really signal on the ground itself (in some places we have such ground that a metal detector signals on it), looking at the watch — There’s still time, I’ll dig some more — I decided.
And then, at about a depth of 45 centimeters, the tip of the shovel slightly touches something hard. Sticking his hand into the hole, he felt with his fingers through the ground a round rod with a small cap at the end. I wanted to lift — it doesn’t work, the other part goes into the side of the hole, pulling a little to the side and finally my rod was freed and was born — such a handsome guy!!

Dagger of the Late Bronze Age (Competitive story of a digger!)Sitting down right there, I was taken aback — what is this???? I had never picked this up before, turning it in my hands and not knowing at that moment what it was specifically — I decided that this was the tip of some kind of spear.

Dagger of the Late Bronze Age (Competitive story of a digger!)After several days, curiosity took over and I decided to find out what kind of object it was and how old it could be. Having gone to one of the forums on the Internet, taking photographs of this item, knowledgeable people said that this was a DAGGER of the Late Bronze Age, and that it was about 3000 years old! And here I was slightly taken aback, digesting the information. How??? Where??? How he could get there, but I won’t be able to find out how, I think those witnesses from those times have long been gone.

Dagger of the Late Bronze Age (Competitive history of a digger!)And I would give a lot to look at the owner of this dagger, and at those people in general, like them they lived, how they dressed, what kind of homes they had, just look at their life, see how they lived at different times of the same year. But alas.

Dagger of the Late Bronze Age (Competitive story of a digger!)

And all the same, sometimes he takes out the box, unfolds the rag in which the dagger lies, takes it in his hands and imagines in his head that this thing has lain for thousands of years in the ground and during this time no one has come to him and never touched it, I’m trying to catch the energy of the person who owned it! Who was it? And what was he doing with this dagger? What if there was a lot of human blood on this dagger? This thought gives me goosebumps.
Eh, questions, many questions, but in my opinion, answers to them will never be found. It’s a pity.

P.S With respect to the digging community with such a real story, Sergey …(BlackWaltz, from Reviewdetector.ru)
P.SS The dagger is not for sale, you don’t have to ask, it’s useless. So please understand and forgive me!

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