XP ORX testing a new device on a completely destroyed farm

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You know, I have always been skeptical about videos testing metal detectors for detection depth. Let's ignore the typical accusations of haters that bloggers under the video “tighten up” the sensitivity of the necessary devices and, on the contrary, “tighten up” the unnecessary ones. In the end, there are now a lot of smart and honest bloggers, and if you wish, you can form an informed opinion on the depth and sensitivity of this or that MD by watching a dozen videos. And yet, testing metal detectors in sterile conditions, when you know what is under your coil, is not an entirely accurate measure of the technical properties of the device.


Therefore, I decided to test the capabilities of my new MD on a knocked out ancient farm. To make it clear to you how much this farm can be knocked out, I will tell you about it. This place is indicated on all available old maps. Mende, PGM, Schubert. The second fact of the complete futility of this place is the asphalt road to the summer milking, which covers part of the farm. So, you can even get to this place to dig on a tricycle. In addition, this place is annually mowed for hay by local farmers, so you can comfortably dig here in the summer. I think there is no need to specify further how many lovers of instrumental search come to this farm every year in the hope of becoming pioneers of a swanky place. How many times have I been there? Three or four times that's for sure. It happened, I was returning past this farm from an unsuccessful exploration of new places, I thought, let me wrap it up, maybe I’ll dig up at least one coin.

In general, during all the passages through that place I picked up no more than three coins, I remember that sadness from contemplating an absolutely licked ten-kopeck piece. So, I think it’s difficult to think of a more suitable place for testing a new device. Moreover, the last time I was there was to test the properties of the large Nel Tornado coil.

Well, here we go. He arrived, laid out the device and went digging. It should be noted that over time I miscalculated a little. I should have come two weeks ago. The grass here was mowed and removed, and after the rains the grass had already grown. Yes, and let there be additional complexity for the test. And, almost immediately, the first signal from the car I catch is a good color tone. The first thought is probably garbage, or looped iron. Well, it can’t be that that’s the case, here, in the most combed place, there’s a color signal. I dig, lift it, look, and it’s a cross. There are no illusions regarding the superiority of MD. The find is shallow and not ten centimeters deep. Most likely this is the same case of “There are no knocked out places”


Okay, but there was definitely interest in the place. I go digging further. In the settings I set the 4th program (coins quickly) Yes, I also strengthened it with speed “3”. Then I made a dozen digs of deep iron, yes, the response speed needs to be reduced.

Judging by the dried grass, traces of competitors were here two weeks ago. The rains were heavy, so the hole was washed away.


Here, such patches of thick and green grass on the site of farms and villages are a clear sign of a house pit. Although this is not always a house pit. Maybe compost. For the concept, you can lay a pit; if there is no ceramics, a pit for household purposes will be used.


And then the device revealed its capabilities. In an hour I dug up three buttons of a weight and a fragment of a temple decoration. All that remains is to find the scales. However, the scales did not want to come across here.

This is the result after two hours of digging in an absolutely deserted place. So the device is definitely passable in terms of its characteristics. And the day would have been so joyful if the comrade in the chat hadn’t sent a photo of a golden wedding ring.





PS Ah, well, this is garbage, but a very interesting find, especially if such things come across in the forest, or when exploring new places. This is a fragment of a horseshoe. And, from it you can determine the time period. And I’ll tell you exactly how in one of the following posts. So, if you have not yet subscribed to our Zen channel, be sure to subscribe.


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