Entering the field with Nokta Fors Relic

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Cop with Nokta Fors Relic

I received this device a month ago and am now testing it out. I’m posting a short review of yesterday’s trip for a couple of hours in the field.

Digging in the summer stuffiness with the scorching sun and the hated midges — This is a special kind of masachism, but sometimes it’s unbearable to sit at home. So yesterday I couldn’t stand it and rushed at least a little, chose an old field and started searching. One might say that the departure was purely reconnaissance. The technology is simple: we look at the mileage map and find an old village with picturesque fields all around, clearly cultivated in that distant time. Then we compare it with the modern one. Thus, there is some confidence in finding coins from two hundred to three hundred years ago at the site with a certain degree of luck.

As for the Nokta Fors Relic device, the machine is quite working! This is not the first experience of working with this device, I managed to go out with it a couple of times before, I got the hang of it a little, and I also saved up all sorts of coins. Before that, I went with the old Garret GTP 1350. They don’t make them like that for a long time. Nokta Fors Relic is a device of a completely different order. Operating frequency, weight, etc. you can watch here.

For myself, I changed the settings a little, lowered the sensitivity from 50 to 45 and set the mask to 30. Thanks to the reduction in sensitivity, he stopped being so «emotional», and the mask «30» cuts off most debris and ferrous metal. Of course, with such settings, you will not find an ancient ax in the ground or much more interesting things. I usually go out into the field to take a quiet walk in nature and dig for coins and various antique jewelry, so I’m not interested in ferrous metal. To each his own!

As for the factory-set sound signals, they are quite informative. Of course, it will take some getting used to and you will easily distinguish between garbage and a good signal. By sound you can determine the volumetric signal on the surface, depth, foil and more. Moreover, the sound signal of the foil forms a certain melody, which at first greatly amused me. The manufacturer assures that the sound signal settings can also be changed to suit you, but my playful little hands have not gotten around to it yet.

Let’s move on directly to the search process. Yesterday I managed to run through two fields located next to the ancient village. On the first field I found nothing but a pile of garbage, I dug up a fair amount of traffic jams. Moving to the second field, I immediately ran into an excellent signal — VDI showed 91-92 stable. Hooray! Coin! Without touching the shovel, I was already 90% sure that I had found a copper coin. The actual digging process takes place in a matter of seconds — Here, of course, experience with a shovel comes into play. The Nokta Fors Relic handle has a button on the bottom — like a pistol has a hook. Click on it and the pin pointer turns on. Using it, you determine the size of the object and its exact location. Next, a shovel and a pin from the same Turkish company Nokta and the job is done in an instant! «denga» appears on the surface. 1735.

Cop with Nokta Fors Relic

After the first interesting find, the motivation for further search invariably increases. I examine the field meter by meter. The second coin is not long in coming. Empire again and this time the worn-out 1 kopeck of Alexander I, of course it’s a fair amount of crap, but it’s still nice.

Cop with Nokta Fors Relic

Let’s continue. Suddenly I come across a strong signal. VDI dances at the limit of 94-96. I smell a catch, but I need to check. Of course, the can is aluminum. A very necessary item in the household (I’m joking, of course). A coin by itself is not capable of giving such a signal, unless it is some kind of terrible sticky thing from the fire. I will show you the display of the handle; it only displays VDI, there is no unnecessary information there. Everything else, including settings, is on the main display on the block under the armrest. Its small size is inconvenient though, you have to concentrate your attention.

Cop with Nokta Fors Relic

The heat and the flies are starting to bother… I’m already turning over in my head the idea of ​​finding the third coin and turning towards the house. And of course, as if by luck, I instantly came across an excellent signal, the same coin VDI 91-92. A mechanical movement of the shovel and a hitherto unknown copper washer of 10 kopecks from 1833 appears before my eyes, this is certainly a surprise!

Cop with Nokta Fors Relic

After making a couple of circles around the find, I disassemble the device. It’s enough for today. Interesting place, there should be more coins. I’ll come back another time. To summarize: the Nokta Fors Relic device did not cause any particular complaints from me this time either. His VDI readings for imperial copper coins are 91-93. I will continue to practice.

Last photo…

Cop with Nokta Fors Relic

Read here how I cleaned these three coins in soda.

Have a good search everyone! The season continues and I will certainly share my new impressions and finds, but in the meantime I advise you to read about all kinds of treasures here!

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