Fisher and Teknetics leave the market? First Texas and dirty rumors! (News and fun+)

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A funny rumor came up recently in the digging community, I can’t even imagine who is making up such stupid news. 🙂 No, it’s clear where the hands are coming from, it’s just that promoting your brands with such PR is ineffective marketing and will in no way be able to increase sales of a particular product. And writing such rumors is even worse, because any information should be checked, sorted out, the essence of the issue should be understood, and only after that a decision should be made, that is, the truth, the truth. So, fellow readers, do not be fooled by dirty news and rumors, better study the necessary and reliable sources! Like us, for example, hahaha! A big statement.

So, let’s start:

Fisher and Teknetics are leaving the market? First Texas and dirty rumors! (News and fun+)

There was information on the Internet that First Texas fired a couple of employees and closed. For good, apparently. Allegedly, technical support is not responding, sales have stopped, and so on, trying to name several reasons, one of which, allegedly, is a «person named Equinox». Nothing, of course, has been written about stopping the shipment of goods to dealers and distributors; apparently the PR people weren’t smart enough for such news — too complex concepts and words.

No, the First Texas holding, which owns the brands Teknetics, Fisher, Bounty Hunter, Night Owl and Nivisys, is not going to close at all, rather the opposite — just expand. And one of the stages of expansion was not only the dismissal of several people (they fire everywhere and always), but the move to a new office. Photos of the new office and metal detector production:

Fisher and Teknetics are leaving the market? First Texas and dirty rumors! (News and fun+)

Located in El Paso, Texas, USA. And as always and everywhere in Texas — everything there is huge. For those who have not been to Texas, photo of the parking lot in front of the new First Texas production and office:

Fisher and Teknetics are leaving the market? First Texas and dirty rumors! (News and fun+)

Yes, traditionally in Texas, parking lots in front of offices and stores can occupy an area the size of an entire large village or half a small town. This size of parking lots amazed me at one time when I arrived at the parking lot in front of the Fry’s electronics store in Texas.

Updated — video of the new office and production of metal detectors Fisher/Teknetics/Bounty Hunter

And here comes the video, after some time, of course:


So there will be pinpointers and new metal detectors. Like once with MineLab, when everyone made fun of them for the Terku 705, saying that it was time to update it, release something new, but they were still selling 3030, Traktor, and Terku, there was nothing new, and then they rolled out Equinox and everyone applauded at lightning speed.

By the way, do you know which metal detectors are the most purchased in the world? They buy almost a million units every year? You don’t know? But in vain — These are Bounty Hunter models.

No peace for everyone and less funny tales and rumors!

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