Fisher F44 metal detector – myths and reality. (Digger Tips+)

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I used this device quite a bit and in different conditions, and I think that I learned this device from A to Z, so I want to share my opinion about this device.

Firstly, I definitely want to recommend this metal detector to all novice searchers — it is very simple and reliable, on its large and easy to read display you can easily see and understand all the information it will show you about the detected target. Personally, I only look at the VDI number and if it is unstable, then there is a small iron symbol on the display — Fe with a scale that clearly shows that no matter how ugly the signal sounds, the target contains iron and is not worth digging. Typically, such signals come, for example, from antique metal hinges that fastened doors and various gates, or some intricate metal parts from tractors.

Secondly. A big plus of this device is its all-weather capability. I walked with him in heavy rain and light snow — Anyone who does not have a device that is waterproof will understand how it happens that at the first drops of rain you start looking for something to cover the device block with. It seems like a small thing, but when you go digging quite often, you realize that it’s little things like this that make your digger more comfortable and allow you to concentrate on finding finds.

Fisher F44 metal detector - myths and reality. (Digger Tips+)I just want to note, that the device is very comfortable: a simple menu that even a child can understand, very good volume control for those who walk on a speaker, backlight for those who walk at night. But I don’t understand why they made it adjustable from five values, apparently for the visually impaired, it would be more convenient if the backlight was turned on with a separate button and the minimum backlight would be enough. By the way: with the backlight, the device discharges quickly, so use it only when absolutely necessary!

Thirdly, this is the ability to walk at maximum sensitivity in various difficult conditions, such as grass or power lines. Often you have a phantom device under the wires? And there may be finds there, with a phantom and glitched device we will all find ourselves without finds!

I also really like the metal tone of the sound. Anyone who went, for example, with Aska, knows that for a long time on the «all metals» You don’t look like a littered place, but in F44 it’s not annoying to such an extent that I can easily walk around with headphones for 4-5 hours in «all metals» mode, and in Fisher it’s called artifacts for some reason. By the way, I recommend everyone to walk in this mode, in it I can quickly understand what’s under my coil — tsvetnina or chernina, and in jewelry mode, for example, some targets made of ferrous metal will give a purely colored signal. In the artifacts mode, such objects, if you pass the coil at a different angle, will immediately give an unobtrusive signal that this is iron.

Fisher F44 metal detector - myths and reality. (Digger Tips+)An interesting function is “ground balance”, I use it about once every half hour, it seemed to me that after this simple procedure the device works more stable and recognizes targets more accurately.

I would also like to note that the F44 distinguishes nearby objects very well, clearly distinguishes a small coin from nearby pieces of iron, by the way, by the sound of the pinpointer, which, of course, is in this device, you can easily determine what is under the coil — for example, a coin or some large object that gives a color signal: with a large object it will be blurry, as if smeared with indefinite boundaries.

I’ll tell you a little about the power supply of the device. It is powered by two AA batteries. When I purchased the device, I thought that I would save so much money on batteries alone, but in reality not everything is so rosy and as it seemed to me, when the first stick goes out, and it goes out somewhere on the third kopeck, it’s 4- 5 hours, then the device, again, it seemed to me, sees worse. So I change the batteries, although it still shows two full bars out of three — it turns out about 15 hours on headphones and, of course, without backlight.

Fisher F44 metal detector - myths and reality. (Digger Tips+)So, you ask after reading this article, if such a wonderful device with the functions of a professional detector and an appropriate price, then why buy expensive Deus or the same F75 from Fisher? My opinion is that professional devices have a much higher detection depth. I took real measurements in the ground — My Fisher saw the Deng copper coin at 15-17 cm, and this despite the fact that the coin lay ideally flat under the reel, and if on the edge, then even less, and this is a rather large coin made of pure copper. I also picked up small coins made of bronze and copper, but they lay almost on the surface. There are thoughts about installing some other coil from a third-party manufacturer, all I described was with an 11 DD coil, maybe with a more powerful coil the device will become even more interesting and the depth will increase, as happened with my previous ICQ and sniper from Nel.< /span>

Looking for more information about Fisher F44? We have collected all the posts about this metal detector here.

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