Fisher versus Deus, or how to dig through foundations with Nel Tornado

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Good mood to you, dear readers of our blog. Today I would like to discuss with you the topic of comparative tests of metal detectors. I think that many of you understand or intuitively guess that such comparisons are often very comparative. All these aerial tests for detection depth speak only of the “laboratory” capabilities of the MD. But how MD behaves in real extreme conditions can only be understood by oneself, competing with comrades on the same field.


Do not think that this article will not be interesting to you because you have a metal detector of a different brand. Essentially, this note is about comparing a good, expensive and professional metal detector with a mid-level model that is half the price. If this is interesting, then let's go.


Conditions of the competition. Two comrades with extensive and productive experience in instrument search. Experience in searching for antiquity. This needs to be clarified because there was another digger with us that day, but his experience was working in a search party. Being a war cop is a completely different science and completely different skills. Which was confirmed in the end, this comrade raised only three coins.


Competition location. A potato field on which there was once a village of 35 households. The village stood in this place for no more than 60 years and was resettled under the program of liquidation of unpromising villages in the USSR.


What are the finds here? 99% of all finds in this field are coins of the Stalin period in the USSR. There is a little empire, and of course all sorts of accessories in the form of buttons, badges and very rarely crosses.

Progress of the competition. We arrived, turned on the instruments and went digging. Comrade and Deus learned from the experience of this spring in the same place, and read in advance on the forums recommendations on how to set up MD for digging in littered places. Therefore, he almost immediately started digging to plow the foundation holes. This is what I usually did.


I don’t know exactly what settings the comrade set on the Deus, but my Fisher F70 was configured as follows. Sensitivity – (95). Threshold – (-9) Discrimination – (01)

Yes, dear friends, I walked through a field littered with iron without turning off discrimination against iron. Someone will say, “Yes, it’s goodbye eardrums.” I will answer, “Good headphones are +50% to the performance of the device.” Don’t think that this is an advertisement for headphones; the “ears” that I use were discontinued three years ago.


NEL Tornado in the trash cans. I don’t know how 13-inch coils from other manufacturers behave on plowed foundations. I, like you, can only judge this from comments and based on the opinions of bloggers. And they almost all unanimously assure that digging through foundations and “garbage dumps” with a “steering wheel” on a metal detector is complete madness.

However, what did I see for myself? NEL Tornado behaves very interestingly when plowing foundations. The primary color signal is captured by the entire field of the coil. But then, when rewiring, only the central part of the coil catches the color signal. That is, in fact, a large coil automatically becomes a sniper. And, as I understand it, this effect is achieved due to the unique and patented shape of the coils (butterfly) from NEL.


The result of the competition. In the spring, before planting potatoes, my comrade and I were already in the same field. And then my result was three times greater. Naturally, such a defeat spurred the comrade to study the settings of Deus. It’s one thing to successfully dig through lost fields, another thing to dig through plowed foundations. Therefore, the comrade with Deus this time at least doubled his result.


But, it wasn’t just that I gained experience. So, my result was like this. It's up to you whether it's a regulation or a reality. This field really gives such excellent results after every plowing and harvesting of potatoes. This is due, first of all, to the fact that to plant potatoes, the soil is turned over to a depth of almost half a meter. Thus, once again “exploding” the foundations.


General view of the results. Deus white cloth, Fischer F-70 red. This turned out to be a good, effective and real test of the abilities of two metal detectors.


Separately, a bonus photo of the result of the spring dig from the same place.


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