Happy Victory Day, friends!

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Perhaps there is not a single family and not a single person in the post-Soviet space who was not affected by that war. And no matter what our contemporary thinks about her, one thing is clear — in those distant years, our ancestors accomplished an incredible feat; at the cost of their own lives, efforts, labor and hardships, people bore on their shoulders an unprecedented war in the entire history of our Humanity!

It is a pity that many people now do not remember, do not understand all the causes and consequences of that war, do not appreciate the sacrifices and losses suffered, do not understand all the damage that the war brought for many decades for all people living on our planet. It’s a shame that people don’t draw conclusions from that time and that war. I hope that among our readers the number of understanding comrades prevails! It is you, friends, who I congratulate on this holiday! Congratulations to your parents and their parents who still remember and remembered. Happy holiday! While we are alive and we remember — there will be no war on our planet.

Happy Victory Day, friends!

Back then, in Berlin in May 1945, they remembered who stood in the center of the monument and who bore the brunt of the entire war.

Recently I was talking on Instagram with a digger from Belgium, I was amused by his phrase: «On the battlefields in the Ardennes you will no longer find even a spent cartridge case, everything has been dug up». This means a lot to me. When many of our comrades go into the valleys of death to pull out and find dead soldiers that «missing» for more than 70 years in a row, they will only laugh at such statements. We have war everywhere and under our feet. There is not a single field where there is no cartridge case/shell/fragments from that war. This is a very big indicator, friends.

Peaceful skies above our heads and remember all those who fell on this day.

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