9th international gathering of metal detecting enthusiasts in the Moscow region – May 12, 2018!

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Yes, gentlemen, rallies are an interesting thing!

May 12, 2018, very soon, not far from the city of Mozhaisk in the Moscow region the 9th international gathering of metal detecting enthusiasts will be held!

9th international gathering of metal detecting enthusiasts in the Moscow region - May 12, 2018!

The gathering will be one-day, but you can stay and spend the night, as has always been the case before.

What is a gathering of diggers? This is, of course, a large meeting of like-minded people united by one hobby, during which you can not only talk and share the secrets of digging and working with metal detectors, but also talk about your finds, share interesting stories from the dig, and find new friends and meet new comrades for constant trips to the cops!

But that’s not all — there is an opportunity to test new models of metal detectors, look at new products and most importantly — win yourself a metal detector, pinpointer or some other accessory!

9th international gathering of metal detecting enthusiasts in the Moscow region - May 12, 2018!

The organizers hope that the event, as before, will bring a lot of pleasure from communicating with like-minded people, relaxing and participating in an interesting program.

The cost of participation in the rally is 1000 rubles for each adult, children under 15 years old are free.

9th international gathering of metal detecting enthusiasts in the Moscow region - May 12, 2018!


— Communication, mutual assistance, respectful attitude towards all participants of the event, cultural behavior.

— Preparing salads or other dishes at home and bringing them to the gathering


— Carrying firearms and traumatic weapons is strictly prohibited!!!

— drinking alcoholic beverages in undesignated areas

— obscene language

— litter in the camp, leave garbage after the end of the rally

— driving more than 5 km per hour and while drunk

Volunteers will be responsible for maintaining law and order. If you don’t see them, it doesn’t mean you can break the rules! The strictest measures will be taken against all violators, up to and including expulsion from the camp and «eternal ban» on the forum!

A small diagram of the camp and the rally location:9th international gathering of metal detecting enthusiasts in the Moscow region - May 12, 2018!

There will be really a lot of prizes! Namely:

List of prizes

name of prize from whom the prize what is the prize for (competitions, field, etc.)
1 metal detector Makro Kruiser (multi) RAYKOM GROUP raffle in a fenced area
2 thaler coins (12 pieces) — Silver rubles! 12 Talers raffle in a fenced area
3 Golden Mask «SVAROG» Golden Mask raffle in a fenced area
4 pinpointer Gold Hunter AT At Grandfather Mitya’s raffle in a fenced area
5 coil for metal detectors (optional) MGC Lab raffle in a fenced area
6 metal detector Makro Kruiser RAYKOM GROUP Draw by token numbers for everyone
7 metal detector Makro Racer 2 RAYKOM GROUP Draw by token numbers for everyone
8 Pinpointer bags At Grandfather Mitya’s Draw by token numbers for everyone
9 Pinpointer bags At Grandfather Mitya’s Draw by token numbers for everyone
10 Pinpointer bags At Grandfather Mitya’s Draw by token numbers for everyone
11 pinpointer Gold Hunter AT At Grandfather Mitya’s Draw by token numbers for everyone
12 pinpointer Makro Pointer RAYKOM GROUP Raffle by token numbers for everyone
16 search magnet 400 kg (double-sided) Nerpa Draw by token numbers for everyone
14 stingy for beach search Nerpa Draw by token numbers for everyone
15 axe from Kiri Kirya Draw by token numbers for everyone
16 certificate for free admission to the autumn gathering forum Elder Draw by token numbers for everyone
17 certificate for free admission to the autumn gathering forum Elder Draw by token numbers for everyone
18 coil for metal detectors (optional) MGC Lab Raffle by token numbers for everyone
19 Nokta Impact metal detector RAYKOM GROUP draw for tokens for STRAWBERRY
20 pinpointer Nokta Pointer RAYKOM GROUP draw for tokens for STRAWBERRY
21 pinpointer Gold Hunter AT At Grandfather Mitya’s draw for tokens for STRAWBERRY
22 coil for metal detectors (optional) MGC Lab draw for tokens for STRAWBERRY
23 search magnet 400 kg (double-sided) Nerpa draw for tokens for STRAWBERRY
24 metal detector Bounty Hunter Junior T.I.D RAYKOM GROUP children’s prizes
25 metal detector Bounty Hunter Junior RAYKOM GROUP children’s prizes


8.00 — 9.30 — breakfast (free)

7.30 — 9.30 — registration of participants

10.00 — 10.50 — opening of the meeting

11.00 — 12.50 — field with tokens (competition)

11.00 — 13.30 — children’s competitions (animation)

13.00 — 13.50 — rewarding of participants

14.00 — 15.30 — lunch (free)

15.00 — 17.00 — musical ensemble performances


from 11.30 to 16.00 presentation of new Makro devices

from 9.00 for the duration of the rally there will be an open area for testing metal detectors

from 9.00 until the evening for warmth and gatherings there will be a general fire and a small children’s fire

Times may change, any changes will be announced at the meeting



To register, you must receive an original badge. Wearing badges is MANDATORY! On a special table there will be badges sorted alphabetically by nicknames on the forum. Separately, there will be badges with the Russian spelling of the nickname.

You need to find a badge with your nickname and go further to select a token for the lottery. The token is drawn from the bag, the token number is written on the badge and registration sheet.

You can draw a token for your guest (except for children under 15 years old). The guest is also given a badge where the token number is entered. Badges for guests are only on the table with tokens!


Forum Strawberries «Elder» additionally draw SEPARATE tokens and place them in a SEPARATE jar! The numbers also fit into the badge and list (in a different color).



4 (four) numbered and signed PRIZ 1, PRIZ 2, PRIZ 3, PRIZ 4. tokens, as well as 12 coins of 1 thaler each, will be buried in a field fenced with tape. Be careful, there are other antiques on the field: coins, iron, corks, wire, etc.

The goal of the competition is to find any number of prize tokens using a metal detector. The number of participants is unlimited! Be sure to take a shovel! When leaving the field, each participant who has found a prize token or 1 thaler coin reports this to the presenter (he stands at the exit). An announcement will be made over the loudspeaker once all prize tokens have been dug up.



To conduct the lottery, a transparent lottery drum is installed into which all the participants’ tokens are poured. With the help of representatives of the general sponsor, tokens are drawn, one at a time. First token — first prize, second token — second prize and so on. There are 13 prizes in total.



To conduct an additional lottery FOR FORUM STRAWBERRY, all participant tokens are removed from the lottery drum and strawberry tokens are filled in. Then, just like in the first case, tokens are pulled out, one at a time. First token — first prize, second token — second prize and so on. There are 5 prizes in total.



To conduct a children’s lottery, all strawberry tokens are removed from the lottery drum and tokens pre-selected by children (under 15 years old) are filled in. Then the tokens are also drawn, one at a time. First token — first prize, second token — second prize. Total 2 prizes.



To test various metal detectors, a special area will be organized on which various metal objects, chains, crosses, coins, etc. will be buried at different depths. Each item will be signed. This way you will study the behavior of your metal detectors and can compare them with others. The site will be open from 9.00 for the duration of the rally.


MUSIC< /h3>

A musical ensemble will play for you around lunchtime. If you like to play and sing, you can perform yourself!


Discussion of the meeting takes place on the forum «Elder»

Registration for the meeting

To pay and register for the rally, follow this link:

9th international gathering of metal detecting enthusiasts in the Moscow region - May 12, 2018!Just click on the picture above and you will find yourself on the website «Elders» for registration in the meeting.

Bottle collector Dusya also gathered for the rally, look:

See you at the rally, friends!

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