How can instrumental search have a positive effect on men's self-esteem? Thinking out loud

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Recently, one can often hear and read in the works of many respected psychologists that modern men are increasingly adopting typical feminine traits of psychology.

There are many reasons for this behavior, but I like the theory of complete prosperity most of all. Namely, the problem is that a man ceases to be or feel like a breadwinner and breadwinner.

XP Deus II

The 40 thousand years of history of our Cro-Magnon family suggests that those groups of people survived where men were good hunters or gatherers. And, if a man ceases to be a hunter or gatherer, then genetic and psychological breakdown occurs.

Now, in the modern world, a man works without problems in an office or as a driver, or where he has to turn one nut all day, or solve crossword puzzles. Previously, at least they gave out money in banknotes and, once a month, you could feel like the master of the house. Now everything is at stake, and my wife’s salary and bonus statements are via text message.

And what kind of earner are you? You are a draft horse or a small donkey. And I really want to be a breadwinner, a hunter, a gatherer. So, men are drawn to all sorts of hobbies and interests. Whoever collects stamps is a kind of collecting. Who fishes, but it’s difficult to be a breadwinner here when you realize that a kilogram of pollock costs the same as a jar of maggots.

XP Deus II

And someone bought a metal detector and went looking for coins. But this hobby was interesting only until those same coins were worth something. And even if the digger didn’t sell, but kept the finds for himself, the feeling of having found something valuable gave impetus to the next digging trips. There was that same feeling of being a breadwinner.

XP Deus II

That's why many, like me, have left the old days for ferrous metal in recent years. Because when you earned 7 thousand in a day, then with a complete feeling of a winner, with the look of a miner, look what a mammoth we killed, you can go to the store and buy the most expensive beer and two bags of the most expensive shrimp. You sit in the evening, drink beer, eat shrimp and realize that you are a man, not a draft horse.


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