How do diggers with little experience miss unbroken tracts? Analysis of one example

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Good mood to you, dear readers of our blog.

Today I want to share with you another story from personal experience. My comrade and I found, last week, an unbroken settlement, dating back to the beginning of the 19th century. Well, how do you say it’s not broken? Judging by the holes that have become swollen with time, someone had already tried to dig in this place three years ago. What’s most interesting is that four years ago I was here too, but I walked literally a few meters from the core of the settlement.

How do diggers with little experience miss unbroken tracts? Analysis of one example

Why lie here? Even if I had walked through this place then, right through the very core of the village, I would hardly have been able to identify it. The fact is that the tract itself is quite complex in terms of finds. I can say this for sure based on everything that my comrade and I dug up there. Apparently, the village stood in this exact place for no more than 30-40 years. Coin finds are the kopecks of Peter the Great and Anna Ioannovna. So now I have yet another puzzle. I'm trying to understand where this village could have stood before and where it moved after repairs.


But let’s return to the analysis of the activities of our predecessor. I don’t know if that same digger was able to understand for himself that this field is the place where a village of a dozen houses once stood. At the site, from the one who was here earlier, I was able to count no more than ten holes. We did not notice any holes from the early period around this place. This means that the digger came here on purpose. It turns out that the treasure hunter found an unbroken tract, spent no more than an hour on the spot, got ready and left. Leaving my comrade and I with quite a few good finds.


And so why did this happen???

The first is that there are indeed very few color signals. My comrade and I managed to localize the place based on a large volume of broken ceramics, which was clearly visible on the burnt-out ground. It was this number of shards that forced us to look after the area more carefully. However, we focused primarily on signals from nails and other iron debris.

How do diggers with little experience miss unbroken tracts? Analysis of one example

Secondly, the person was able to determine the location of only one of the houses. This is a small hill with a high density of iron signals. And, judging by the pits he was digging, taking out another nail or a piece of a knife, the comrade’s metal detector was of an entry-level level.

How do diggers with little experience miss unbroken tracts? Analysis of one example

Third, there is little experience and a focus on top bloggers. I myself only got over this disease in my third year as a cop. When I found my first unbroken village. That’s when I realized that the unbroken tracts were two dozen broken crosses, a dozen scales and heels of poop. But before that, thanks to beautiful videos from YouTube, I firmly believed that the unbroken tract was full of pockets of clean copper coins, encolpions by the bucketful and treasures under every house. Yes, dear friends, there are also unbroken tracts where there are no more than five color signals for each yard. And they still need to be found.

How do diggers with little experience miss unbroken tracts? Analysis of one example

Fourth – lack of sporting anger and perseverance, and therefore motivation. How often does this happen, including for me??? “Ah… no, there’s nothing here, I’ll move on…” And then, a couple of years later, I learn from the comrade that he did a very good job of digging in that very place. This is where there is annoyance in the soul, and a noble smile on the face.

How do diggers with little experience miss unbroken tracts? Analysis of one example

Conclusion. If it so happens that you have been searching for a tract for a long time and persistently, and having found it, you find traces of the activities of your predecessors there, then do not rush to lose heart and go into despair. Try to understand by external signs. Who were they? Perhaps there are many more interesting finds left for you here than you could even expect initially.

I wish all treasure hunters good luck and good finds.


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