What are you bastards doing? I think it’s time to teach such diggers

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Good mood to you, dear readers of our blog. Although, this is where I have to make an amendment, I wish good mood only to those who observe the basic rules of decency on the cops. Namely, it does not climb into sown fields.

Today, at a village store, I met an old friend of mine. Farm director. I often chat with him, if I have a free minute, about what they plowed up and where. He is a friendly, cheerful person and sometimes he can tell you such a story that you will be in a great mood for the whole day. Only today there were no funny stories.


– Yes, why are your “friends” completely crazy??? “Fyodor Stepanovich said, turning to me with a tired look. I’m not the first to be responsible for all sorts of fools in the field who crawl under tractors or dig a hole one and a half meters deep after catching a branch of a gas pipeline with the device. Yes, yes, there are such unique ones. A separate category are forest road diggers. And yet, I have to hear more and more frequent scoldings from my “collective farmers” acquaintances for digging in the crops.

Even Fyodor Stepanovich, a good-natured and absolutely balanced person, did not hold back his emotions much today. Oh, they got him, they got him a lot, what are they doing?

In recent years, I myself have repeatedly chased away presumptuous comrades. I’m driving past a sown field, I see people walking around with a metal detector, I stop and honk, and that’s usually enough for people to leave the field and go to their cars. But as there are more and more diggers every year, there certainly aren’t enough nerves for all the fools.


I remember last year there was an incident. Here is a field, the greenery of winter crops is clearly visible. There is a SUV parked by the road and two people are walking around the field. I drive by and honk. Zero emotions. I signal again, same reaction. They just looked in my direction. In response, I press the horn for half a minute, go out and wave my hand. Here, too, with my benevolent attitude towards people, my nerves begin to fray. I think that if they don’t leave the field now, I’ll take a hefty pebble and throw it towards the SUV.

An, no, they came to their senses and went in my direction. A short but emotional conversation took place, they tried to explain to me that everything in this country belongs to the people and, in general, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to free movement. Look, what literates???


Ah, this is an interesting example of what an unseeded field can look like.

But, like me, I didn’t reach into my pocket for the article. I explained to the kids that, according to the AKR, there are traces of two Bronze Age settlements in this field. I can call the cops, they will happily pack you up and, hello, criminal charges. Of course I was lying, but why not, let them know the place. The guys looked at each other, wondering if I was tricking them? But they didn’t dare check for weakness. With dissatisfied pugs, they began to put tools and shovels into the car.

There was another unique digger. The same thing needs to be said about this incident, because then I almost committed a sin. I wanted to cut his wheels along the cord. So, I would take a taxi to the nearest tire shop.

I went out in the spring to dig in a field that had been plowed but not yet sown. I see a digger walking through a neighboring field sown with winter crops. The rooms are metropolitan, dressed to the nines, the camouflage has not yet been washed. I stopped, signaled, and then the man, as if immediately, decided to approach. I told him good-naturedly and without malicious intent, well, it happens with newcomers, they make mistakes, especially urban ones. They may mistake winter crops for meadow grass. Until the 10th grade, my Muscovite friend believed that loaves of bread grew on trees. In general, I explain that it is undesirable to walk through sown fields, this is the work of people, and the work of others must be respected. Here, there is a plowed field, no one forbids you to go and dig, especially since the finds are exactly the same as in the sown field. The copper is rotten, but there are quite a few flakes.


To which this bad man (I skip a few non-literary phrases) answers me. “I can’t walk across a plowed field, my legs get tired quickly. But here the ground is hard and walking is much more comfortable.” Well, you rearrange how my brain then exploded and was bombed to the limit. So, what to do with these??? Learn? How? I hinted to the little man that there are different people in the village, some with difficult characters. Sometimes, out of boredom, they can shoot with a carbine.

Of course, this is not a way out of the situation. Therefore, I am a big supporter of introducing licensing for search devices in our country. Like in England or Estonia. Where for such exits into a sown field, the detectorist will instantly lose his license. A cop without a license in these countries is punishable by a fine of up to 10 thousand pounds or euros.

This is how my emotional post turned out today. Thank you for your attention, and I wish good luck to decent diggers, and a place under the reel.


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