Large reel on arable land, only personal experience (+ photo)

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In general, according to my observations, of the total number of friends, comrades and diggers I meet in the fields, more than half of them have an extremely negative attitude towards large MD reels. About another quarter are completely numb to any opinion of their own; of the remaining part, people either used it, but did not understand why it was necessary, or heard stories from friends, which also negatively affected their opinion. And, only no more than five percent are coparis who consciously and with full understanding use 13-inch diameter coils on their metal detectors.


The main reason for using large coils is considered to be an increase in detection depth. One way or another, the issue is controversial and we will discuss this in another post, follow the publications. Well, today, I suggest you consider other, sometimes unexpected factors for improving the quality of MD during the search, when using large coils. All conclusions and observations were made by me based on personal experience and comparative examples with devices on which standard coils were installed. And, naturally, the conversation will focus on searching in plowed fields.

In my deepest conviction, the main task of a digger in a plowed field is to cover and work the largest possible area of this very field in the shortest possible time. Very often, the window of opportunity to dig in a particular agricultural field is no more than one week. It also happens that in one day the stubble is plowed, in the second it is disced and fertilized, and on the third the seeder is driving across the field. Ah, the field can be very tasty and interesting. Therefore, there is simply no time for slow nursing, knocking out a place on deep settings, and in general it is not rational, especially if the field is not known to you. So, when digging on arable land, the optimal settings are for a fast and shallow search, with a quick response of targets.


And so, when choosing just such a search strategy, the use of a large coil leads to the maximum result from the cop. Why? No magic or chance like probability theory. Only a clear mathematical calculation.

  1. With a larger coil, you can increase the speed of the device's wiring. It's simple. The coil is larger, which means the period of time the target is in the magnetic field is longer. This allows the device to clearly see and capture even the smallest and deepest signals. Catch and work correctly. In turn, we understand that MD wiring can be accelerated without fear of missing a signal from a promising target. The device does not choke, which leads to maximum and productive digging. bolshaya-katushka-na-pashne
  2. The size of the coil determines the size of the surface coverage. Here, as in that cartoon: “While you are doing one-two-three-four, he is doing one-two, one-two.” The comparison is absolutely accurate. Because, thanks to the properties of the magnetic field of the coil, the high signals of coins are caught by the device when that same coin can pass 5-10 centimeters from the edge of the coil. Therefore, thanks to the large coil, in the same time on the mine, you can work twice as much surface area. Now we count in our heads. Let’s say that when moving slowly with a standard coil, the device will see 30% deeper than the base unit. And with fast wiring with a large coil, 100% more from the same basic unit. The question is, which option will give you more finds in the same period of time?


    Nel Tornado reel, fourth year of flawless operation. Contrary to numerous comments about frequent breakdowns, it works, finds and for some reason does not break. And I dig a lot and often.

  3. The use of large coils on budget metal detectors actually increases the detection depth, since the coils of modern models are equipped with signal amplifiers. Whereas in budget MD models, the signal amplification board is sacrificed for the sake of that very budget.

So, my personal observations and repeated comparisons of results have shown that using a metal detector with a large coil on a plowed field leads to very good results. Detection depth in arable fields does not play a special role. If this is not a plowed tract, then your finds will be typical lost coins. And, if you don’t find them in depth this year, then next year, these coins will be raised to the top by a plow and then they will definitely become part of your good collection.




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