Metal detector Garrett AT MAX – what is known and what will happen? (Lots of new videos+)

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Garrett recently announced his new product — metal detector Garrett AT MAX. We have already written about this news — new metal detector Garrett AT Max. Due to the similarity of appearance, many diggers, and I won’t lie — I, too, thought that Garrett only slightly updated his popular Garrett AT PRO model, adding brightness, an audio transmitter to work with the Z-Lynk receiver and the new MS-3 headphones, and changed the handle. However! We missed the main thing — this is what was «under the hood», so to speak. As it turned out — Garrett engineers have made a completely new machine that can successfully compete with such cool metal detectors as XP Deus and Minelab E-Trac! Do you think this is not so? Watch:

First impressions of Garrett AT Max.

Recently, the guys from Search Territory (Terrapoisk) published a video from a digging rally, which included a team from Garrett, as well as many diggers who could test your metal detectors on buried targets (coins of different denominations – from scales to Katya’s nickels) and determine which device picks up the signal best. The results are interesting, watch the video:

If I quote, then:

Having heard out of the corner of our ears that someone “was missing a scale by 15 cm,” we went towards this goal. AT Max took it confidently, Terminator with a large reel took it, but Deus with 9 couldn’t handle it. We checked it on another Deus with the 9th – also missed. They called a forum member with Truck. He set the sensitivity to 30 in manual mode and caught the scale, but I, for example, cannot go on the Truck at 30. I usually set it to Auto+3. In this mode, Truck couldn’t handle the scales. Deus with 12 gave out something like that, but as I understand it, the signal was not very dignified. The man with the Deus with 9 returned after some time, having screwed up something in the settings and still managed to complete the task – he caught the scale. However, judging by the sounds, this was not the mode of the device in which you can walk in everyday life. Deus with a white coil and new firmware confidently took the target at both 30 and 50 frequencies, which pleased the owner.


As you can see, AT Max worked no worse, and in some cases better than Deus. Yes, it all depends on the settings of Deus, but in AT Max the settings are many times easier and more versatile. Versatility with ease of settings gives us a good chance of picking up more targets on a great dig spot.

A similar opinion can be heard from the diggers «over the hill». There are several videos where they are already digging hard with the new product, testing it, making comments and…

As far as I know, it is quite possible that Garrett will change the device slightly and the production model will have some additional useful features that are not in the prototypes.

It’s interesting how the guys spray various chemicals on silver finds right on the pit dump.

And Garrett was checked on the beach:

What is the result?

 In general, the device promises to be worthwhile. At a price comparable to the price of the Garrett AT PRO (Proshka), we get a kit with a metal detector, which is an order of magnitude better than the old Proshka and has wireless headphones included. It smells like kerosene!

Garrett AT MAX metal detector - what is known and what will happen? (Lots of new videos+)Waiting for a new product? They promise launch in Russia in June!

We collect all the news about cops and diggers here, and we will collect more about the new Garrett AT MAX metal detector here. Come in!


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