Mystical closing of the season (Competitive story of a digger)

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At the close of the season, something strange happened, it even looked like a bike… We went to the cops when it was already getting dark. They got out of the car, flashlight on their forehead, MD checked — scattered. Climbed over the ditch — The headphones have failed, okay, I’ll move on. I want to go out onto the hill, I go look at the OZI map, go in the other direction, I turn around and go, after a while I look at the OZI again and again turn 360 degrees… I gave up and decided to break through the nearest house on the map. The house was pierced by only shell casings and a patch of tips, there was nothing to catch — turned towards the car. I reached a ditch through which I needed to get to the car, I got entangled in the branches… I go and look at the map — made a detour and came out on the other side of the car. I force the ditch again… the same thing… Somehow I scraped out the curse words. I look at the map — I came out much further north.. I moved away from the ditch, checked my headphones — earned. I can’t wrap my head around how one can get lost like that, this place has been visited more than once and it’s difficult to get lost (though during daylight hours) — On both sides, rivers in ditches merge into one, and are cut off by a road at the back. Some kind of fornication took over.. this happens to me extremely rarely…

Mystical closing of the season (Competitive story of a digger)Sent by Alexander P.

Comrades, to participate in the competition, send your stories from the cops with interesting photos to email: What you can win in the 2016 season competition? All details about the prizes here

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