Opening the Golden Mask Deep Hunter. In pictures (repair)

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Here’s a photo review of the Golden Mask Deep Hunter teardown. It will come in useful if you have to repair your machine yourself. See what’s inside the detector, how to open the housing and reach the circuit board. I wish you all happy hunting without breakage!

Opening the Golden Mask Deep Hunter. In pictures (repair)

Opening the Golden Mask Deep Hunter. In pictures (repair)

Opening the Golden Mask Deep Hunter. In pictures (repair)

Opening the Golden Mask Deep Hunter. In pictures (repair)

All about the Golden Mask Deep Hunter Pro is collected here (news, tests, comparisons with other devices, different reviews and opinions). Plus, on Knowledgebase pages there is additional information you should know before buying the Golden Mask Deep Hunter Pro. The experience of others will help you save your time and money. Happy hunting to everyone!

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