Search with a metal detector on the beach

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Search with a metal detector on the beach

Title of the video: Search with a metal detector on the beach
Description of the video:
Hello to all the digging enthusiasts from Russia and other countries. We visit our friends at the old recreation center, that is here since Soviet Union. There is a beach around here, and we heard some rumors that nobody ever tried to dig there. So we are going to check it out.

(Good afternoon)
(You’ve been here before?)

These houses are here since the Soviet times. Still standing. Here are some artifacts of that time.

And we have a competitor on the other side. Unfriendly competition!

(And what do we have here?)

Take a look. I thought this was a ring. Round shape and all. And this is just a bottle lid.
(Kinda round kinda ring)

Here is a first find, a little ring. Silver.

(That’s not gold. There must be a purity stamp on gold. And this looks like silver
Maybe it belongs to that guy we talked with?
Maybe. Let’s show it to him and see.)
Some guy asked us to look for his cross while we are here.
(The one with a little dog?)
Yeah, that one.

We found a tank!

I don’t get it, you found it?
That’s the kind they sell in churches.

That’s some kind of trolling. A lot of rings, but all of them are silver.

(And here is a silver ring for me too.)
From church too?
Some kind of christian holy beach.

Here is what we found.

Buy my favorite metal detector:


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