Pit of the drinking house (Competitive history of the digger)

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Hello, dear fellow hobbyists and those who are simply very interested in learning about the life of past centuries.
I have long wanted to share my fascinating story with someone, and now I have a rare chance to receive a worthy reward. Thanks to which, perhaps, my stories will become even more exciting and educational. Yes, yes, it’s more informative, because first of all, my goal is to understand the past years of our great state. So, let me begin the story.

I have been searching with a metal detector relatively recently, but I have already fallen in love with this activity with all my heart. After all, this is not only a small adventure in every trip to the field, forest, abandoned village, etc., but also a wonderful rest for body and soul. An opportunity to be alone with yourself, away from all the bustle of everyday life. Yes, and thereby made a childhood dream come true — go in search of treasures and I’m sure I’m not alone in this.

Pit of the drinking house (Competitive history of the digger)One day, while looking at the map of the well-known Schubert, my attention was drawn to the mark *drinking house*. I carefully studied the surroundings of this establishment, the location is quite good, there are about 8 villages around at a distance of 1 to 3 km. Almost all roads passing through the field are stopped or converge at this establishment, i.e. the location was not chosen by chance. As they say: it’s a sin not to come))). Also, there is a forest nearby, which is again a big plus for construction, firewood collection, furniture making, possibly hunting, etc. There is a ravine in the forest that originates from a river flowing nearby. It so happened that the river enters the ravine itself and the waters end opposite the drinking house, in the place where the ravine diverges like a trident, just at one tooth and the drinking house was listed. Perhaps this is not a coincidence and they bred fish there, maybe they even kept poultry. I compared several maps, namely: PGM, Schubert, the Red Army and a map of the General Staff after 1900. The conclusion was that the place was crowded for about 100 years, which is not a little.

Pit of the drinking house (Competitive history of the digger)Finally, the long-awaited vacation has arrived!!! My heart was beating in anticipation of the upcoming adventures. The adrenaline was just going through the roof. Having previously marked a point on a modern map and chosen a favorable day for the weather, I began to get ready to search. Of course, I take a metal detector, a shovel, a probe, and, just in case, a hatchet. I loaded all this into a Russian SUV (Niva in common parlance) and hit the road. Although the path was not far, it was not close either — 40 km from home.

Having arrived at the place, I realized that I would have to walk a lot, since what I saw on the modern map and what I saw in front of me in reality had a huge difference. Having taken everything necessary for the search, I went to the intended search point. I understood perfectly well that in the time that had passed since the establishment of the drinking house, everything had changed a lot and the forest had increased in volume. But the ravine still remained a good landmark, as I thought at that time. Having reached the point, another disappointment awaited me — the ravine became incredibly huge compared to what I saw on the maps. And the shape of the trident turned into something incomprehensible; in general, corrosion did not leave the slightest chance for the soil and was rapidly cutting it. Well, we are not used to retreating, so I turned on the metal detector and started looking for at least some signs of everyday life. There was no point in peering into the ground in the hope of seeing a piece of cast iron or something similar to pebbles. The ground was densely overgrown with humus of leaves, grass, branches, and there was also a considerable layer of solid vegetation. In general, for 4 hours I simply wandered around the intended territory. In order not to delay, I will say that that day I left with nothing (well, except for the traffic jam and the wire with shell casings), there was another trip to the same place and there were also no signs. I was really desperate, but something just wouldn’t let me come to terms with the fact that there was nothing there. I decided to take another trip…

Having arrived at the place, I began to act based on logic, how and where it would be more convenient and everything in this regard. I also waved the coil and probed the soil with a probe. And finally, the result was not long in coming!!! A signal, even if it’s something small, but it’s something colored, I’m digging and …
A crumpled thimble appears! There is no limit to my delight, am I really close!? I asked myself. I decided to go through it with a probe, once, twice, three times and I heard a distinct grinding sound, I dug and, sure enough, not in vain, there was a splinter from a red brick. I try to go through the territory with a metal detector, there is a signal, I dig, and an old forged nail pops out. I waved the coil further, another signal, I dug, and there was something incomprehensible made of metal, but obviously the work of human hands, and shards of pottery also popped out. There is no limit to happiness, although I didn’t find anything significant. Having paid attention to the depth of the objects, about 1.5 bayonets, this is not surprising, given how much the soil in the forest could rise, I conclude for myself — dig! And I start digging at random in the designated area. I didn’t find anything significant that day; it was mostly fragments of pottery, broken bricks, and rusty nails. And among this garbage reigned the POLUSHKA coin of 1853. In general, this was an excellent reason to return to this place, which, of course, I did a few days later.

The place was clearly defined, the territory for work was outlined and I began painstaking work, removing the top layer, mainly fallen leaves, small branches, spruce forest, humus, I probed the next layer with a metal detector, and so I moved forward. From the outside, one might think that I was working in the garden))) Things got better, coins began to pop out more often, there was no metal debris, and various interesting fragments also came across. As a result, that day I found about 7 coins. Oh yes, I almost forgot, that day I was visited by a guest, a red-haired beauty, she stood about 15 meters from me and carefully watched my work. Since such exhausting and at the same time pleasant work requires recharge, naturally, I take a thermos with me. I treated the fox to cookies and poured water into a mug, and she stole the mug in gratitude)))

I returned to this place more than once and each time there were more and more finds. These were coins, including silver, there were buttons, even a cross, nails, all sorts of fragments, etc. By the way, from that moment on the fox constantly came, I came and within an hour at most she came. I began to feed her, she became completely bolder, she came almost nose to nose. As I understand it, she was hunting there, catching mice in the ground that I had loosened. Once, even I had a chance to meet a colleague there, at first I confused him with a mushroom picker looking for mushrooms under a layer of foliage with a stick, but when I saw a shovel on my shoulder, I realized that it was my own))) We sat, talked, drank tea, eventually exchanged coordinates and now we are communicating. But alas, all good things must come to an end, so my vacation was coming to an end, and the cold weather was already approaching((( .

A lot of coins were found there, about 100 pieces, from different years from 1740 to 1921, but not many for such a place, many were very bad, many were burnt, which apparently indicates that there was a fire there. In general, time, alas, is fleeting and I stopped my trips, now I’m only thinking about next year, I’ll definitely go back there, I think it’s worth it.

Pit of the drinking house (Competitive history of the digger)And there are still thoughts that haunt me, maybe someone will also be interested in thinking, the thing is this: I noticed a hole in the ground there, about 3 m in diameter and about 1 m deep in the center. I decided to drip there too, whether it was a cellar or underground, but I didn’t find anything there, although I realized that before this hole was about 2 meters deep, because… I got to the bottom, I don’t know how wide it is, I dug out a 1.5 meter square. At the bottom there are several fragments from dishes, some kind of block, I picked up a coin and the earth is not really solid, as if it had been compacted vigorously. And next to this large hole, I accidentally came across 2 small holes, about 1 m deep and wide, filled with bones and various fragments, apparently they were deliberately thrown there. And also in these pits there were also coins, as if they were periodically dropped there; they were not lying in a heap, but in layers. And during all the time I was searching in that square, I never found a foundation, a canopy, a loop, in general, nothing that would indicate the house itself, only the presence of people. It seems that there was a yard where they threw garbage, and perhaps a toilet, now we can only guess.

In general, this story happened to me at the end of the year. Good luck to everyone and have a positive attitude every time you go out with a metal detector. After all, first of all, it is spiritual pleasure. Bye.

Sent by Sergey S.

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