How sick these lazy, clueless losers of the diggers are

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This is an emotional note, I wanted to write it for a long time, but I kept putting it off, but who needs it? However, this week two events came together at once and as a result of the superposition of two emotional outbursts, I decided to write, maybe I will find like-minded people and understanding. Which will definitely make you feel better.


Event one – a classmate, a good friend, proven by time and liters of alcohol, called via video chat. A mutual friend of ours was visiting a friend’s house, also a good guy. Word goes without saying, they started talking about cops, and then they told me that they don’t want to come visit me because, they say, I show them and bring them to the fields, where there are no finds and coins, while I myself go alone to points known only to me, where tens of coins are scattered per square meter.

And then it hit me, after which within 15 minutes I told them everything that had accumulated before, and when addressing personalities, the most affectionate and tolerant word was “freaks.” In the end, of course, there were apologies, it seemed like I didn’t understand them correctly, they made peace, that’s why we were friends, and it was necessary to let off steam.

Event two – I came across an article by a novice blogger on coping in Zen. In principle, there is nothing special about such notes on the topic that there is nothing left to dig, all the fields have been knocked out, I am only digging garbage, and top bloggers are lying to you, but I’m so honest. Well, of course, there are plenty of such notes and videos. And such content invariably finds its grateful viewer, reader and commentator.

So, I found a scythe on a stone and I decided to use a clear example to tell what such diggers (bloggers) actually look like from the outside.


Field experience No. 1.

Conditions: Four comrades on the same field, with the same metal detectors, with the same settings and absolutely the same experience in instrument search. There were no newcomers. Although, to be honest, I have many times more experience in the number of hours in the fields than the comrades.


Progress of the field experiment: We go digging, there seem to be finds as usual – there are some. After a couple of hours, the comrades huddled together and slowly began to wander towards the car. I'm going to meet them. “What and where are you going?” And I see them turning up their faces in displeasure. “Yes, where did you take us??? The field is empty, there is nothing here!!!”

A serious statement with an accusation. Since this very field, at this moment in time, of all the plowed fields, is the best in the surrounding area. “What do you mean there’s nothing???” I take out the swag bag, and there are three coins, a couple of scales and a companion. The friends look at each other in surprise and then it turns out that between the three of them they have two coins and a broken cross. They have everything in order with logic, they are adults, some even have their own business. There is a thoughtful pause. A natural question arises. What exactly is the reason???

How sick these lazy, clueless losers of the diggers are

I check the settings of the devices, everything is the same for everyone. Fisher is not an E-truck; even if you wanted to, you can’t mess anything up. The settings are the same for everyone. Question again. What exactly is the reason???

Two comrades are shorter than me, and the rods on the device are extended to the maximum. Oh, what does this have to do with it??? The reader will think, just like the question from the comrades. I ask them a question. “Have you read the instructions for the devices? It clearly states how to set the length of the bar to the height of the MD user, for optimal digging.” Oh, really!!! Yes, who reads those instructions? Just like our friends showed us for the first time, we go there.


Next point. Please show me how they wave the device. That’s right, I saw it from the outside, but here we need to clearly tell people why it needs to be done differently. Naturally, everyone is wired like golfers. Along an arc and with acceleration to the first escape velocity. I begin to explain that each MD has such an indicator as response speed. Namely, this is how fast you need to swing the coil so that the device sees targets in the ground. This is for semi-professional MDs, such as ICQ or a grater, the harder you wave, the higher the depth of target detection, while for professional MD models, there are clearly established parameters for the speed of movement. At that moment, the comrades looked at me like the Inquisition looked at Copernicus.

But I continue. Your coil is light and small, so the optimal wiring option is not from hip to hip for two meters in an arc. And in front of you are two swings per step of the leg. Then I line up the length of the bar for them, showing them clearly how to swing, how to keep the elbow straight and what is the best step to take. Everything is clear, intelligible and optimally explained. “It's clear???” “Yes!!!” Well then let's go.


And, I really see they are trying, but this very effort was enough for ten to fifteen minutes. And then, as before. Reel at knee level, swing from the shoulder using half the muscles of the body, and a step like Gulliver in the land of Lilliputians. I approach one of my friends and ask irritably, “What are you doing???” And I get an irritated and aggressive answer: “But it’s so convenient for me, fuck you!!!”

That's it, the free volunteer training was closed.



I understand the likelihood that many bloggers raise the topic “Coins are not mushrooms, they do not grow again in the field.” In order to somehow occupy a niche in the information field. And there is nothing reprehensible in this. The question is different. These bloggers must understand that those readers who agree with the topic being discussed are no longer diggers. This is anyone by type of hobby – philatelists, fishermen, mushroom pickers, gamers, binge alcoholics, but not diggers. Because a true digger, in case of a bad result, will not blame the bad device or the fact that there are no good places left. A real digger will think.

Whining about the fact that there is nothing more to dig is only necessary for those who recklessly bought MDs and ammunition worth several tens of thousands of rubles, but after several trips it turned out that he was simply too lazy to go digging. And so, in order to justify their laziness, such people make Yaroslavna cry. A true and confident digger will always pose a question. What am I doing wrong??? This allows you to think through your own strategies for behavior, searching for new places, gaining experience and getting a good concrete result. And those who whine are a natural evolutionary decline.


Thank you for your attention and for reading my note to this line. I wish you all good luck, patience and sporting anger.

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