About choosing XP Deus – which kit to buy? (Tips for diggers+)

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Even when I was choosing my next metal detector for the new season, I settled on the XP Deus option. There are many reasons for this, but the websites of trusted sellers of metal detectors, and even the same website of the store «U Ded Mitya», upon request of XP Deus, issues a large number of sets of this metal detector. At first, when I was not yet particularly versed in the Deus and its configurations, this fact caused me a slight stupor and made me think and guess — and which set is best to take for starters? A complete set of Deus varies in price for 60,000 rubles, and this amount is sometimes unaffordable. So what to do — If you want to dig, you want to buy a Deus, but it’s difficult to choose.

I’ll try to help with my advice, since this puzzling problem has several solutions. Let’s begin.

About choosing XP Deus - which kit to buy? (Tips for diggers+)

Which kit to choose — full or reduced?

Benefits of the full XP Deus set

About choosing XP Deus - which kit to buy? (Tips for diggers +)

Complete metal detector set (WS5 unit and headphones)

Of course, if the required amount is set aside and is in your pocket, then it is better to take the full set at once. Standard Option — 11″ a coil that is enough for all types of search (you can always later buy a «blonde» 9″ or a larger coil — 13″), rod, block, headphones (WS4 or WS5, to taste). What are its advantages?

  1. If you break this entire kit down into individual components, you get significant savings (up to 10-15 thousand rubles in total).
  2. The complete set gives more convenience on the cop — wireless headphones are really convenient, the unit allows you to set your own settings and this whole combination together leads to more finds in general.
  3. No problem with warranty — everything was purchased on the same day and on the same receipt, has the same warranty period, no need to think about when and for which component the warranty will end.

Disadvantages when purchasing a full set of XP Deus

Of course, there are also disadvantages. With my experience, through trial and error, they were installed:

  1. You need to immediately shell out a fairly large amount, which could be saved and somehow arranged differently, for example — purchasing an incomplete Deus kit + purchasing an additional coil (always useful — for example, sizes 9″ and 13″, this will give more versatility on the cop), saving money to buy a pinpointer (for example, the same MI6 , connected to the Deus unit, it really helps and works many times better than its «classmates» for the price!), as well as expenses for other utilities — fur coat or boots for wife, car repair.
  2. You can make a mistake in choosing a kit, for example — 11″ coil will seem less useful than a set with 9″, the headphones may not suit personal taste.
  3. Probably the most terrible case, but I’ve seen this happen twice — We bought a complete set of Deus, began to dig, but the digger did not go and the complete set was sold at a loss in costs. I’ve already seen this twice, it’s just that a person got burned out as a cop and left this hobby, another for some other reason stopped digging. An incomplete Deus set can be sold faster and with less overall losses (especially the coil+block set).

Advantages of buying an incomplete set of XP Deus

Yes, if you have been a cop for just a couple of years and decided to switch to Deus from your entry-level metal detector, then choosing an incomplete set may be a very good option, and now I will give a couple of facts based on my own experience why I the first time I took an incomplete set of XP Deus:

Deus 9″ coil or 11″ + block 

About choosing XP Deus - which kit to buy? (Tips for diggers+)

XP Deus with control unit

Perhaps the most preferable option. Why preferable? Because in the XP Deus metal detector, all the electronics and signal processing occurs in the coil, and not like in other metal detectors — in the block. Therefore, in Deus, the metal detector is a coil, but the unit and headphones only receive the finished and processed signal and give you an indication through VDI numbers and sound indication. The block allows you to fine-tune the metal detector for certain search conditions, which is what the digger needs!  In addition, since the unit is wireless, nothing prevents you from installing the 5-tone voice function for signals, connecting regular headphones to the unit (there is a connector for this in any Deus unit), and putting the unit itself in your pocket. That’s it, no headphone wires will bother you too much! And there won’t be this overpayment for wireless headphones from XP, you can always buy them later if the need arises.

Set Deus coil + headphones

About choosing XP Deus - which kit to buy? (Tips for diggers+)

XP Deus and WS5


And this is already the cheapest Deus kit. Especially with a coil at 9″ and WS4 headphones. If you want to save more with minimal loss in performance (or rather, almost 0 loss), then you should buy this kit. Why? Yes, everything is simple — coil at 9″ very stable and least susceptible to background noise due to its size. The sensitivity on this reel can be accelerated to 95-97 on the field and calmly hit coins where others will simply pass by and not catch anything. This reel is especially excellent in littered areas. And the WS4 headphones are quite comfortable to wear, you can put them under a hat/cap/panama hat/bandana and wander around quietly, you can easily set up a metal detector and perform ground balance. What’s most important — This is to find a friend with a Deus block and set up a couple of additional search modes, turn up the settings more seriously, set the voice acting to 5 tones and be guided entirely by sound. The first times it will be difficult, but quickly get used to it and get used to it, then you will be able to determine by the sound what lies under the coil — copper nickel, flake or tips. But for the difference in amount you can buy a pinpointer, shovel, gloves, equipment, etc. And then it’s up to you to decide — Do you need to buy an additional block separately, or take a block with a large coil for 13″, these tasks can be transferred to the new season, optimize costs, so to speak.

Disadvantages of buying a full set of XP Deus

About choosing XP Deus - which kit to buy? (Tips for diggers+)

XP Deus and WS4


And you thought that an incomplete Deus set had only advantages? No, there is also a drawback, and it lies in one — in the ears. For example, if you take the WS4 ears and they seem uncomfortable — for example, after 4 hours my ears started to hurt from the clamps of these headphones and it became a little uncomfortable, so I sold the WS4 and bought myself a WS5, big mugs. But this is me, and I know many diggers who walk around for days with WS4 headphones and don’t experience any problems, maybe their ears are a little different in shape and they don’t hurt so much from these headphones? Anatomy is individual for each of us. With coils, such an error is not critical; digging is good with both 11″ and 9″.

Which reel to take — 9″ or 11″?

At first, when I went with 11″ coil only, I thought there was no advantage to the 9″ coil. before mine, but after I bought a blonde high-frequency at 9″ I realized that I was wrong. 9″ the coil is much more stable and allows you to work comfortably in places where 11″ brought certain difficulties. The first time I encountered this was on high stubble — 9″ It fit perfectly between the stubble and could be kept as low as possible to the ground, thereby gaining depth. 11″ the reel had to be held above the stubble, catching small phantoms from impacts and snags on the stubble and losing depth because of this. Therefore, for myself, I derived the required combination — It’s best to have 9″ and 13″ reel. 13″ It’s convenient to walk across an open field, dig deep signals, find littered places in the field where there used to be a tract and where there is a chance to catch more finds, and then you can put a 9″ and go with her to pick up such littered places. In addition, 9″ It’s very convenient to dig in the forest, among the bushes, and in the garden! That is, 9″ more universal than 11″, and the set of coils includes 9″+13″ you get a complete knockout kit. Availability 11″ coils + 13″ does not make much sense and only leads to additional costs.

About choosing XP Deus - which kit to buy? (Tips for diggers+)

Three coils for the XP Deus metal detector — 9″, 11″, 13″

However, 11″ it makes sense to buy if you know that you don’t need additional coils at all and you won’t buy them, one coil will be enough for many years — There are many such comrades and they have their own truth. Copping is a hobby, not throwing money, and there is some truth in this.

Which headphones to take — WS4 or WS5?

A purely individual question that cannot be answered unequivocally. There are arguments for and against any model, but I will tell you about my experience. At first I only went with WS4, and when they began to rub my ears often and severely, and it became painful to wear them, I sold them and bought WS5. «Burds» fit very tightly to the head, they are a little more difficult to wear with a hat, but with them you can better hear signals in windy weather or when there is a lot of extraneous noise around you, for example, if you are digging next to a road/highway.

About choosing XP Deus - which kit to buy? (Tips for diggers+)

There is one more nuance — With WS5 my head sweats more in hot weather than with WS4. In addition, WS4 itself is cheaper and price is the last factor to choose. So it’s up to you to choose based on these data, I just gave food for thought.


I hope that my experience and thoughts will help you in your final choice of XP Deus metal detector kit. In any case, if you take XP Deus in any set, you will not regret what you did, just as I did not regret it, having first taken a simple set — 11″ coil and unit, without headphones. I immediately saw the difference in the operation and performance of this metal detector and other metal detectors at the price of an incomplete Deus kit — Deus was a head, or even more, higher than all other devices, it allowed us to find more finds where hundreds of diggers had previously gone through twenty years of searching and knocked the whole place to zero, Deus is light, compact and convenient, mastering this device was not difficult a lot of time, in half a season I finally figured out the settings and modes of this metal detector, now I have to help many guys on the mine with the settings and set a custom mode on the mine.

About choosing XP Deus - which kit to buy? (Tips for diggers+)

Nakhodka & #8212; Nuremberg counter, 17th century

Even a stripped-down Deus kit does not incur any losses in terms of productivity and finds — This is all a thinking error and bias. So don’t worry and good luck with your choice!

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