Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example – and found a rare coin! (photo+)

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The Teknetics Patriot metal detector turned out to be an excellent device! It found targets deeply, was not mistaken in identifying metals, you can work with it both in open fields and in the trash, the only pity is that there is no small coil for it yet, but since we dig in the fields more often, it was decided to improve this metal detector purchasing an additional coil larger than the standard 11″ size. The choice fell on CORS Strike, which has a size of 12″x13″, and this is the best size for everyday digging in fields and forests. A good capture zone, so you can spend less effort on knocking out the field and scouting places, decent depth, but how did all this turn out in practice?

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

The reel came in such a beautiful yellow box with the company logo and a description of the various advantages of their products. Not bad for a start.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

The kit already contains everything you need – the coil itself, a warranty card, an additional strap for attaching the wire from the coil to the rod and a bolt for the coil with rubber seals so as not to break the ears of the coil.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

And here is the reel itself! Lightweight – its weight is only 560 grams, which is a very good result for a reel of this size! Since Teknetics Patriot is a slightly modified Fisher F70 metal detector, all the coils that fit the Fisher F70 and Fisher F75 are suitable for the Patriot. Excellent interchangeability. 🙂

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

The coil was installed quickly and easily, wrap the wire tightly around the rod and off to the fields!

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

As you can see in the photo above, the coil fits perfectly into the device.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

CORS Strike, of course, stands out strikingly compared to the stock one! Both wider and a little longer. And it should give more depth – that’s what we’ll check.

For the first dig, they chose a field that I had dug up many times before. I call this field “Field of Miracles,” because there has never been a case where I returned from this field without coins. This has never happened before. There are different coins – both ancient silver and tips. Everything is mixed up, it is located at a shallow depth, usually, but the soil itself is quite rocky and complex, which means that if it is ever plowed up, then mountains of coins will come out again into the light. According to my impressions, in the old days there was a small village fair on this field, because the fields around are empty, and it is this field that produces excellent finds from year to year. And once every six months I definitely visit him to collect the coin harvest that the Earthly Grandfather sows.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

There were some discoveries this time too. I decided to go from the very end of the field straight to the site of the proposed fair in order to collect a little more finds in the vicinity of the field. The coil is now larger, it is possible to cover a larger area of the field.

As expected, in the spring the field was full of water, the soil was wet and the device began to work unstably. Small manipulations – we reduce the sensitivity a little to 85-83, set the ground balance lower, at the level of 40-50, and the device begins to work much more stable. This field is not easy and he doesn’t want to give away his finds just like that, which means you have to try to find decent coins on it! But they will only be found by stubborn diggers who know perfectly well how to properly set up their metal detector and use its capabilities 100%.

The reel works great. Doesn't give false signals, doesn't make noise. There are no problems. Teknetics Patriot has not become any heavier, and the balance of the metal detector has not changed – it is still convenient for them to wave from side to side and look for useful signals.

Slowly, colored signals begin to appear, let's dig!

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

And the first thing that comes into the light is an incomprehensible colored thing. If anyone knows what this is, write in the comments!

Then, not far from an incomprehensible find, an interesting signal appears, deep and small, you definitely need to dig for one, otherwise suddenly – a coin?

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

But no, the small and deep signal turned out to be a small strap clasp. Also an old find, more than a hundred years old. Let's take it.

Where are the coins? Why did we come to this field?

A little later, coin signals begin to appear. We've almost reached the fairground, now we need to actively beat it. Signal, let's dig.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

A “nickle” emerges from the depths – 5 kopecks of the USSR in 1949. It's pretty well preserved for a coin of this age, but there's nothing you can do about it. It's a good find, let's take it!

After finding the “nickel” it was still a little empty. I walked long and hard, there were no signals and that’s it! The comrades are slowly digging for something, raising their own, but where is my treasured signal?

Suddenly, Teknetics Patriot began to sing softly. It can be seen that the signal is weak and deep. The reel goes well in depth, compared to the standard one, the progress is immediately visible and obvious.

VDI 89-91, jumps a little, which is good. That means copper, and if it’s copper, it means it’s antique. We're digging.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

Naturally, now all the hands were shaking, adrenaline rushed in, because into the white light from a depth of almost 28 centimeters – I drove the pin for a long time, dug carefully with a scoop, and a cross penny of 1728 came out! A rare coin, such coins were only minted for two years! And then they were taken out of circulation and reminted into other coins, so that all that can be found are only dug crosses, as we call them.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

The Cross turned out to be difficult – after studying it turned out that it was even rarer than the usual Cross. Not only that, according to Bitkin, all these coins have a rarity degree of R1, but this one also turned out to be a subtype – the word “MOSCOW” is printed in a larger font than on a regular cross. The find was valued at approximately 200 euros. This is how it happens in our business – you go to the first cop with a new reel and a rarik comes out on you, and which also costs quite a bit! Not thousands of euros, of course, but 200 is quite good, and such a find warms the soul!

So copper should go here now. Silver would also be good, but we are looking and looking.

The comrades were also happy about the find, saying that it was very lucky. You need to dig deep signals, and then you will have luck! But they also began to raise copper around. They came up with money, various d2ndels 1812, and other copper coins, very ordinary ones.

I got another coin signal. Stable, coin-type, it is clear that it is a copper coin and is shallow. And so it turned out.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

A rider on a horse, and Catherine the Great's monogram on the back. Keep it so-so. It is clear that this is a penny of Catherine the Great, but neither the year nor the exact denomination is visible. It should be two kopecks, judging by the size. We need to clean it and see what will happen there in a year.

And then something incomprehensible happened, I don’t even know what to call it – mysticism, miracle, chance? Don't know. While the comrades were spinning around looking for coins and other useful signals, I suddenly stood up, took the device on my shoulder and a shovel in my hands, and left the field. I walked about 400 meters, I wanted to go beyond the ancient fence that separates the field from the forest, and go into the forest to see what would happen there.

I crossed the fence, went out into the forest, and there were only holes. It’s inconvenient to walk, but we’ll wave the device. The pit rang – silence, nothing. We should go beyond the stone ridge and see what’s there in the small clearing by the road.

He went out beyond the ridge and began searching in the clearing. I took a couple of steps and suddenly, next to two small fir trees, there was a strong color signal, the VDI went off scale at 98-99, it was clear that there was large metal on the surface. We have to dig!

I lift the moss in the clearing with a shovel and see a large copper round falling out from under the moss.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

What is this? Ha! Every digger knows – this is one of the most pleasant finds, a large coin: 5 kopecks of Catherine the Great! This one was released in 1793, several years before the death of the Great Empress. But there is no limit to happiness – not only did he raise the rarik, but the cop turned out to be very creditable in himself – after all, in the end, Catherine the Second’s five kopecks came out! The coin is huge and such a find can be made with any digging stick; even a pinpointer will ring on it if you move it along the ground.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

Well, I want to scream and rejoice. It’s interesting that I wanted to check this clearing all this time. I park the car very close to it, well, walk thirty meters and look with the device, and all this time, as it turned out, there were five kopecks from 1793! Simply a miracle!

There is no limit to joy. We need to call it a day; it’s time to go home. The whole day was not in vain and brought many finds.

Teknetics Patriot did not disappoint with the new CORS Strike coil.

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

The number of finds in itself is small, but that’s understandable, we’ve been searching the field for three years now! But the quality of the finds today simply exceeded all expectations – both a rare cross and a large nickel!

Review of the CORS Strike coil using the Teknetics Patriot metal detector as an example - and found a rare coin! (photo+)

One of the big bonuses about the field is that the coins here are in excellent condition! Which is good news.

I’ll say this about the reel – it replaces the standard one perfectly! It will be good to dig in fields and forests, it gives a larger capture area and better depth. Lightweight, does not overload the hand, I dug all day and was not very tired from swinging the device. I recommend! The result exceeded all expectations, and even on the spot!

It’s definitely worth going back there again and wandering around in search of signals unnoticed by comrades.

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