Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016)

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The New Year 2017 has arrived and many comrades will probably think about changing the device in the new season. Some have already started digging even on January 1st and 2nd, while others, like me, are waiting for the winds and cold to end and the snow to go away. The first fields will be plowed and new finds will appear, diggers will go out on reconnaissance and will look for new meat places.

Over the past year I have used several devices that I borrowed from comrades to write about devices on my blog and I think that after checking out several new products, I will be able to suggest or simply recommend some devices that have come out over the past couple of years and which are worth paying attention to.

Let me remind you of the main idea and thought of the cop — The metal detector doesn’t find it, you find it. The metal detector is only an assistant, a small assistant who will only signal you, but to dig or not to dig — The decision is entirely yours and, in fact, the more you dig, the more finds you will find. Any metal detector will bring finds, but not everyone needs to be chased before the new digging season. So, let’s go!

Which metal detector to choose in 2017?

Let’s split the small rating into several groups — for beginners (or as a second/alternative), for advanced diggers and for those who want not to dig at all — those. professional devices. I note that this rating — purely my opinion, inspired by my experience and observation of comrades, there are no first and last places here, because there is and never will be an ideal device.


Metal detector for beginners

If you are just thinking about becoming a cop, then my advice to you — Don’t immediately chase after the coolest and top-end device. The best thing to start with is to gain experience, cop skills, and answer the main question for yourself: «Is a cop interesting to me?». Maybe it’s just a «fleeting vision».

For beginners I would recommend:

Fisher F22 or F44Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016) Fisher F44 Fisher F44

As practice shows, although it is unknown whether a cop will work for you or not, sometimes it is better to think about the future. F44, at the moment, is one of those devices that has good potential and can, if the cop drags you down, show itself even better with a new coil from a third-party manufacturer. F22 can be a good and cheap alternative, with a sufficient number of necessary functions and for a price that is quite excellent for a beginner! The main advantages of Fishers — lightness, 2 batteries, good depth for their class, VDI indicators (you can determine the type of metal under the coil and better recognize an object in the ground using the screen + sound), screen backlight, volume control (especially important for those who like to dig at night or in silence). More about the Fisher F44 can be found here.

Garrett ACE 300i or 400i

Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016) Garrett ACE 400i Garrett Asya ACE 400iAs many diggers say: «Thanks to Grandfather Garrett for ICQ Two Hundred and Fiftieth!» and this is largely true. Since this device has raised more than one generation of diggers, but everything comes in its time and now it is no longer advisable to take the old ICQ. Even though Asuka has undergone many improvements in the past throughout production, her time to retire was approaching several years ago. Many will argue and object, but it’s better to take a newer ICQ for almost the same price, but 300 or 400 — It’s up to you to watch. A device with fewer settings than Fisher, but it will find. The advantages of the new ASECs compared to the old ones: VDI has appeared, the characteristics of signal detection and metal separation have improved. More about the Garrett ACE 400i here.


Minelab X-Terra 305

Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016)Initial Terka, although aged, can also quite prove herself in the cops. At least for now, Minelab has nothing worthy of an alternative in terms of price/quality, but the device itself is very reasonable in terms of functionality/characteristics for its price. More about Minelab X-Terra 305 here.


Teknetics Eurotek

Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016) Teknetics Eurotek Teknetics EurotekProbably one of the cheapest devices that you can buy now. Quite suitable for collecting coins for digging in war positions. Like all devices for beginners — without any special miracles, but a simple and functional working machine. Lightweight and compact, which is what a beginner needs as a main detector or as a spare detector for an experienced digger.

P.S. I think it would be useful to add that every initial device can be improved a little, and not even a little, if you add an additional coil to it. A standard coil is 8″-10″ may often not be enough for a fruitful dig, which is why many diggers take additional 13″ or even 15″. More area scanned in one sweep + greater depth = less time to walk around the field and more finds (if you dig more).


Metal detector for advanced diggers

If one day or after one or two seasons you realize that you have dug enough with your device and need to take something better and more serious, then you don’t have to switch immediately to professional devices (although some people do this too), or if you took some simple device from your comrades and went digging with them, but you want to dig with your own device and you decided to take something for yourself, then you can look for the same used advanced devices, but at a cheaper price. Or take a new one, but with a guarantee and, if possible, no surprises. As it once happened to me, I immediately took a more serious device for myself and dug with it for quite a long time.

I would recommend the following semi-professional metal detectors:


Makro Racer 2

Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016) Makro Racer 2 Makro RacerThe device I ran with all season and used as my main one from the moment it arrived on our store shelves. High search frequency, a sufficient number of functions (very simple, very easy to set up), but at the same time with good depth indicators and determination of metals in the soil. Among the funny advantages — vibration mode Yes, in order not to work with headphones and without sound, you can work with vibration and a small backlight when there is a signal. A lightweight and well-balanced device, it knocks out coins well, especially small and silver ones (thanks to the high frequency), and is also suitable for metal plastic. More about Makro Racer 2 here.


Minelab X-Terra 705

Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016) Minelab X-Terra 705 Minelab Minelab GraterThe grater is often found in fields, but even despite the release of some new models that are slowly pushing the grater into the background, I would not be so categorical about this metal detector. It’s worth taking a closer look at some very useful properties — georeconnaissance mode, which will help you find some missed and deep targets in the ground, as well as the ability to work on multiple frequencies. Coupled with a two or three-frequency additional coil, you get the most multifunctional device in its class, and if you also look at the price, when Minelab slammed the price of the Grater, you can completely think about the Minelab X-Terra 705 + Nel Tornado (3 frequencies) kit. You can check the forest, pick up coins from the field, and go to the beach for various jewelry. Three frequencies do their job. More about Minelab X-Terra 705 here.


Garrett AT PRO

Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016) garrett at pro garrett at pro proshkaProbably the simplest device in its class. I turned it on, adjusted the ground balance and went looking. He will bring his finds wherever he goes? If you are too lazy to think again, and a cop is just going out into the countryside with comrades to pick up a few of your coins — then «Proshka» this is the best option. It’s not suitable for a salty beach, but walking along fresh water bodies will be the most interesting. More about Garrett AT PRO here.


Teknetics G2+

Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016) Teknetics G2+ TekneticsThe closest competitor is Garrett AT PRO in terms of ease of operation. But only for ground balance you need to do one more movement. A fairly popular device in Europe and the USA, you just need to look where it is and where it is not on sale. High-frequency (19 kHz), which means that it will be best for collecting small items and metal-plastic materials. Who is hunting for small crosses and jewelry — you can and even need to think about it. Very light, in my opinion even lighter than the Garrett AT PRO, powered by one 9V battery, thanks to the sound and VDI indicators you can better understand what is under the coil. I don’t know, but I like the sound from Teknetics and Macro Racer 2 more than all other polyphonies, it gives more information about the object, and this is important if you are digging with headphones. More about Teknetics G2+ here.


Metal detector for professionals

If you have enough skills in mining and have already accumulated and have the necessary budget, then you can think about a professional device. What does a professional metal detector mean? Only two things: you will dig less (or not at all) and it will take more time to study the device than any of the devices shown above. But after going through the stage of getting used to a professional device (sometimes it takes up to three or more months!) the efficiency of the cop and the number of finds will no longer be comparable to anything… Findings will come from the depths, from those places where devices of a lower class would usually give a fuzzy, black or no signal at all. Sometimes it happens. But I would not recommend that beginners immediately take a professional device; the time it takes to master the device and understand its operation, and without the proper experience, will simply lead to the fact that the device will be put up for sale, and the cop will lose interest. The pursuit of finds will not bring that feeling of satisfaction, it will cause disgust for the cop, which, perhaps, will benefit other diggers — less competition in forests, fields and reservoirs. So, from my experience, what would I recommend:

Fisher F75

Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016) Fisher F75 Fisher F75Recently, in my conversation with one seller who sells metal detectors in Bulgaria, the seller told me that «there are only 2 really serious and best devices in the world— This is Fisher F75 with DST technology and XP Deus». I’m still just mastering Fisher F75, but with Deus «Divine» had known each other for quite a long time. I want to say that many people unfairly avoid this device. F75 — a real workhorse and after the price came down, it became the most affordable real professional device on the market at the moment. Many necessary and useful functions (even a mode for plowed fields), decent depth, separation of metals, recognition of metals at depth (a comrade once dug up 5 kopecks of the USSR at a depth of 40 cm — the signal was clear), and in case of additional equipment with additional coils you will get another increase in depth and… an advantage in finds over other diggers will be ensured. Be sure to get one with the DST logo on the box! More about Fisher F75 here.


XP Deus

Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016) XP Deus Deus Dusya«Divine», as many jokingly call him. This is partly true, it was quite difficult to adapt to this device and even to this day, after a season, it is difficult for me to say that I understood this device. In some places I was happy with it, and sometimes not. But there are no ideal devices and do not exist. At least now, nowhere else is there a device as compact and lightweight without wires and with wireless headphones as the XP Deus. Sometimes it’s upsetting that you can only use coils from XP, without third-party manufacturers, and the choice of coils and their sizes is small, and their price matches. The device is not cheap, the iPhone is in the world of metal detectors. I will say that everything is balanced in it, there are different search modes and you can start searching with the simplest ones, gradually creating your own modes and settings. The device is more suitable for those who want to get more involved in finding the ideal settings mode for a specific type of search. Whether this is justified or not? I don’t know. But the device is popular, I have it and I also dig with it, and for me this is an indicator. More about XP Deus here.


Minelab E-Trac

Which metal detector to choose in 2017? (Rating of metal detectors 2016) Minelab E-Trac Minelab E-Trac TractorTractor. What can be added? Heavy, FBS (multi-frequency) technology, many settings and modes. You need to figure it out long and thoughtfully; books have even been written and published on the secrets of searching with a Tractor. I read one of the books and was impressed by the device. In general, Minelab produces professional and semi-professional devices well, and by taking such a device and spending many months studying it, you can seriously knock out new and already used places. At least, the comrades who go with it constantly praise the device for its characteristics, and I myself have seen the efficiency of the Tractor many times in the fields, but the weight…


If you look, there are still many detectors missing. I tried to collect in my rating those devices that were released over the past few years or that are still of interest due to the improvements that have been made in these devices. I also took into account the new items for 2016. The MD store, which is located not far from me and where many models are not sold for certain reasons, also helped me. I hope that my modest rating, and not even a rating, but advice on choosing a detector, will help you decide on a new model for yourself; I took into account my own experience and the experience of comrades. Anyway — It’s not the metal detector that brings the finds, but you yourself; I just gathered the most worthy assistants for collecting finds in my opinion.

Good luck on the mine!

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