Staged content from tool search bloggers. Is it good or bad?

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Good mood to you, dear readers of our blog.

Every year in August, all TV channels, newspapers and online media will at least once discuss the topic “how to choose the right watermelon???” And every winter, diggers and treasure hunters have heated discussions and debates here and there on the topic of regulations and the overall quality of the content of this or that blogger (dash) digger. This topic is tenacious and interesting, but the main thing is that you can always speak out and be right. Because how many people have so many opinions.

I read the note on the Razdolbaya Notes channel (the link to the note is clickable), I wanted to write a response, but I realized that my opinion on the issue under discussion would go far beyond the format of a regular comment. So, I think my opinion will find support from you or add some spice in the comments.


How many bloggers have gotten divorced!!! Go to the factory to work!!!

And it’s good, and even wonderful, that more and more people are trying themselves in creative work. On the one hand, people are looking for their own self-realization, finding like-minded people and readers who need their creativity. On the other hand, viewers and readers have a wide range of choice of original, creative content. Friends, the times when there were three TV channels on TV and you could buy five newspapers at the post office are long gone, thank God. So modern blogging is a need for self-realization on the one hand, and an opportunity for the reader and viewer to find something they really like.

What about the plant? I worked there. I was a marketing director at a very large industrial enterprise. I earned five times more than now. But, after a year and a half, I realized that either I would go like a cuckoo and run around the office with a chainsaw after my “colleagues” (because they are creatures, not people), or I would get drunk, get behind the wheel and become the hero of the next episode of the Vesti. Duty department” So don’t scare me with the plant.

Bloggers write (film) to earn money.

This opinion is as absurd as the statements of individuals that the diggers dig only to find something valuable, sell it to hucksters and make a lot of money from it. Many bloggers start writing and filming in order to find that very thread of creative self-realization. Well, if you can also earn a little money from this, then why not??? Let's be honest. On the one hand there are advertisers, on the other hand there are platforms promoting content, on the third side there are authors, and all this in order to attract the attention of a grateful reader (viewer) and everyone, in this scheme, has their own motivation.


The need to confirm your point of view.

This is the main reason why this or that material on the Internet becomes popular among readers and viewers. This is why the popularity of channels of all kinds of alternativeists and conspiracy theories is many times higher than that of channels of official museums and archaeological expeditions.

The same principle works for content about cops and treasure hunting. If a viewer owns one or another metal detector, or wants to buy just such a brand of MD, then such a viewer will watch a video where this device beats all competitors in tests. If the (reader) viewer wants to believe that there are still unbroken places left according to old maps, such a reader (viewer) will gratefully watch a video about a cop on the “unbeaten” tracts. If people believe that a lot of coins can be found literally a couple of meters from a bus stop, people will watch such a video. If the reader and viewer is sure that a real cop is half a kilo of wire, a shmurdyak and one poop, he will watch just such videos.

Staged content from tool search bloggers. Is it good or bad?

The main characteristic of the typical need for any person to confirm his own point of view is ignoring other versions. That is, if a person’s feed shows 10 notes in a row that there are no unbroken tracts left, and among them, one note on the topic of finding an unbroken tract. The reader (viewer) will read only that one note and repeat for himself. “You see, I’m right.” And the reader and the viewer have every right to this, unless, suddenly, a separate opinion violates the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Production and top content. “I don’t believe it” according to Stanislavsky.

Here the whole topic can be revealed with one anecdote. Family. Husband, wife and two children. The husband believes that both children are his. The wife is sure that both children are hers.

Personally, I don’t perceive indignation in the category of “But you bought coins on Alishka and show what you dug up, it’s a decree, bullshit, scam!!!” And here, it’s not a matter of whether I believe or not. But the fact is that if you don’t know how to do something yourself, it doesn’t mean that someone can’t do it better than you. I know someone who lives in a rural area and has a very good channel on the topic “from city to village.” So, he is very good at digging in the old ways. So good that he earns up to half of his family budget from sales of finds. I asked him a question, why don’t you make a channel on the topic of cops? You have a lot of material, top content is guaranteed. To which he answered me. What for? So that in a month hundreds of spectators would be wandering around MY fields and knocking out MY finds???

So, dear haters, this will be incredible for you, but maybe try to imagine what gets into the network from bloggers, this is not even 1%. These are hundredths of one percent of what successful and professional diggers actually find.


How about yourself? Do you believe it or not?

There was an incident this year. When we went to dig in a new field with a group of comrades. We walked back and forth, the guys found an interesting corner, I ran all over the field, we go back to the car and then the comrade, without unnecessary emotions, as given, shows a fifty-kopeck piece of 1814. Here, I just picked it up. We looked at the catalogue, such a coin is worth 17-20 thousand. We congratulated the comrade, a really good find. Well, then doubts began to torment me. I won’t convey the whole palette of emotions. It ranges from resentment to complete misunderstanding. How is this possible? Well, I could have found it, but I walked probably a couple of meters from the coin. How so? Why?

And then a rational thought came. Or maybe it's a fake coin? Maybe the comrade bought it on Aliexpress, brought it and now acted out the whole production in front of us??? It was a stupid thought, but it helped me calm down a little. Although this version will always have its confirmation. I have one friend. In three years of digging, he only found one worthwhile find. Five kopeck cloudlet. So the comrade takes this cloudlet with him on all subsequent trips to dig. And, when meeting with comrades on the field, he shows “Wow!!! Look what I just found here!!!”


In conclusion.

Friends and dear readers, if a blogger is read and watched, it means he is doing something necessary. For some, cop content is a purely entertainment show. And in this regard, many work efficiently. They hire a cameraman, expensive equipment, editing, sound, and scene staging. After all, the same “stupid” partners on the cops are the alterego of almost each of us.

When I began to take my first steps in instrumental search, then I watched Musikhin, Koshevoy, and Bely (Kopylov) with great pleasure. But it was interesting, and even exciting. Then I realized that I had greatly outgrown the audience for which these bloggers work, and the point here is not in the bloggers themselves, but in the fact that I have outgrown this level.

Well, as for the staged shots, that’s everyone’s business. If the production is done correctly. Beautiful and “seamless”, even the most meticulous viewer will not be able to detect this.

These are their thoughts about the content. Thank you for your attention and look forward to a constructive dialogue.


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