Tavern stamp (private money)

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Representatives of fauna such as tavern stamps or tokens are often caught using the device. What is it? I’ll tell you about it now.

The size and shape of this item may vary. This is usually a token, round or rectangular (square). They were often made from yellow metal — copper, bronze, brass. Unknowingly, it can be confused with a coin, since the value was indicated on the token, for example «20 k.» — «20 kopecks». On the reverse it was often noted which establishment the stamp belonged to.

Here in this photo there is a denomination of 10 kopecks.

tavern token

In Russia, tavern tokens or stamps have been widely used since 1875. In general, this is an invention on a European scale. So, in Germany they were used before World War II, and maybe later. If you’re digging around war, don’t be surprised when you find one like this. In German taverns they used to pay for drinks; I used to find some myself.

Tokens were used to pay for goods and services in taverns, cafes, canteens, buffets, restaurants, clubs, gambling houses, etc. Their use was especially common in large cities. This benefited the owners of factories and factories, paying part of their wages in tokens. Tavern stamps were also used as a means of internal accounting. The waiters used them to pay the cashiers. Over time, it even became a fashionable trend of that era.

Numerous private workshops were engaged in minting stamps, but it was not customary to put the manufacturer’s mark on the product itself, which is why it is difficult to determine the place and/or date of manufacture of the item. If you take a newspaper from the late 19th — the beginning of the 20th century, then you can find many advertisements there offering to make tavern stamps.

Below is an interesting selection of shiny tavern stamps. Looks impressive on green velvet!

Tavern tags on green


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