Teknetics T2 or Minelab X-Terra 705? How to buy a professional metal detector cheaper than a Grater! (good news, verified!)

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Digging season is about to begin and it’s time to get out a professional metal detector to go around all the good digging spots that pleased you with finds in past years. You think that there is nothing there? In vain. There will be finds, but they will be collected by those who are the first to come to good digging spots in the spring. I don’t know by what miracle the finds appear again, but there are no missing places. Every spring I pick up a lot of coins in many places. Every year. Mystic. It’s not the grandfather who throws them the swag?

Price reduction for Teknetics T2

However! The American manufacturer Teknetics (aka the First Texas group, which also includes the Fisher and Bounty Hunter brands) has reduced prices for the Teknetics line, right before the release of new models of metal detectors, and now it is possible to get a professional metal detector that is actually much cheaper and at a price of no more than 24,000 rubles! Details at the link:

Teknetics T2 or Minelab X-Terra 705? How to buy a professional metal detector cheaper than Grater! (good news, verified!)

Yes! It’s even cheaper than Minelab X-Terra 705. But cheaper doesn’t mean it’s worse. The Americans need to get rid of the warehouse and clear the place before the arrival of new models. But rational people know their calculations and therefore it is really profitable. Therefore, T2 at the price of Minelab X-Terra 505 is simply a gift from heaven. What kind of device is Teknetics T2?

Teknetics T2 or Minelab X-Terra 705? How to buy a professional metal detector cheaper than Grater! (good news, verified!)This is a legend. When Teknetics T2 came out, all other manufacturers quickly started moving. After all, T2 brought new heights of search technology to the world, and then only manufacturers began to produce metal detectors that either completely copied — both Turkish Nokta/Macro, and copied any individual functions, solutions and execution of technologies, as Garrett did, for example. The device is easy to learn and easy to configure. But at the same time, like all professionals, it cuts finds well, accurately identifies finds even at extreme depths, and the settings in it allow, in general, to cover all the digger’s tasks.

Teknetics T2 bonuses and advantage over Minelab X-Terra 505/705


  • Minelab X-Terra is three-frequency, which is good and bad at the same time. There is an option for three-frequency coils, such as those produced by Nel, for example, but the Grater comes with one coil and the choice is either 7.5 kHz or 18.75 kHz. The first frequency is good for a war cop, the second — for antiques, jewelry and coins. That is, having bought a kit, we will still need to buy another coil, be it a basic one from Minelab for one frequency, or a three-frequency Nel, but more expensive.


  • Technetics T2 is initially supplied with a frequency of 13 kHz, which in itself is the golden mean for a cop in war and antiquity.

Water resistance

  • Do you know that a regular Minelab X-Terra coil cannot be immersed in water? What if you dig in wet weather and rain? There is a cover on the block, but the coil is not protected. You risk losing the coil, so you will still need to buy an additional coil.


  • Teknetics T2 coils can be submerged in water, good news!

Temperature range

  • Do you know that the operating temperature of Minelab X-Terra is from 0C to 45C? That is, you can’t dig in winter, for example, in a forest where moss grows, which can be dug up.


  • However, Teknetics T2 can be used at temperatures down to -20C. An important factor that must be kept in mind and taken into account when choosing a detector.


Teknetics T2 or Minelab X-Terra 705? How to buy a professional metal detector cheaper than a grater! (good news, verified!)I would recommend taking T2 along with an additional coil for it. For example — Nel Tornado. You will get a complete professional set for all search outputs, because an additional coil and such a reduced price for T2 will allow you to bypass many diggers and collect more finds in the new season.

I wrote this a little emotionally, but I’m thinking, while I have the opportunity and time, to take the version of Teknetics T2 Ltd. Since there is such a party with a falling price, then we need to use it. My inner Jew tells me this will be the best deal of the season.

T2 technical data here.

P.S. It was also one of the most copied devices. The Chinese copied, but the fakes were easy to spot. Ask only authorized dealers in your country who work directly with the manufacturer or distributor. In Russia this is the company Reikom. Shop the link above and below — sells only official devices, ask for everything — guarantee and certificate, see for yourself.

And all the posts that we have on the topic Teknetics T2 — here.


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