Whites metal detectors – is the future possible?

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Many times we have written about all manufacturers of metal detectors, some more, others less. And Whites, they are «Whites», we wrote the least about them. The main question — why?

It’s simple. What to write about them? What new products did this company have besides the MX Sport series (MX 7 and others). 

White's metal detectors - is the future possible?< p id="caption-attachment-8926" class="wp-caption-text">Metal detector Whites MX7

Also, interestingly, the Whites company also has a V3i metal detector, but as one of the engineers of one of the manufacturer’s companies (competitors) said:

Only a Whites engineer can fully dig with Whites V3i.

And, for the most part, this is true. 

White's metal detectors - is the future possible?

Metal detector Whites Spectra V3i

Once upon a time, about five to seven years ago, the Whites company was among the leaders in the metal detector market. Now — almost in the position of catching up, or even «lagging behind». Does this mean that the company has bad metal detectors? No, the devices are good, they can  dig and find, the entire business now rests on only brand-loyal diggers (mainly in the USA). But what will happen in the future? Let’s not take Eastern Europe as an example), the company does not have more or less worthwhile new products. What will this lead to? 

Correct — to a decline in position. Earlier there was news that Whites’ company was up for sale. They asked for several million dollars for the brand and you can begin your entry into the world of instrumental search. Is this price justified? I think so. The only question is who will buy them?

To engage in the production and development of metal detectors you need to meet several points, you need:

  1. Understand the topic and be a great specialist in it 
  2. Be an excellent marketer (you need to make people believe in miracles)
  3. Know how to properly build a product line.

Sounds simple? Far from it. For example, after the death of the company’s founder Garrett — Charles Garrett, big changes have taken place in the company and now there is no CEO (that is, & #8212; General Director), nor Charles Vaughan’s son, nor anyone else (for how can we explain what is happening with the Garretts?), but MineLab is stable every year and a half releases a new «miracle» and «super technology» each time it gets cheaper and cheaper (CTX 3030, then Equinox, now the new Vanquish). 

Everyone has seen the video teaser of the new Vanquish, for some reason at the beginning of the video the device from Garrett is presented, and not Whites, or any other (apparently, they can’t get to the Bounty Hunter, they’re too cheap) . 

Would the Whites be able to release something interesting? They could, quite, but would it be a breakthrough technology? Doubtful. They don’t have such resources now. As has long been known — several leading Whites developers left to work for the First Texas concern (Fisher, Teknetics, Bounty Hunter) and now what will Whites be left with? 

That’s right, with a line of old budget, mid-range and professional metal detectors, which few people need at the moment, and why? Because they don’t have a zest that is attractive to the buyer, they, alas, cannot jump above their heads they want, but it’s a pity, such a good brand has remained on the shelf of history. 


Everything presented above is purely my own thoughts. Write in the comments what you think about Whites and what future you see?

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