Witness of Millennia (Competitive story of a digger!)

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Greetings to all diggers and Happy New Year! So a whole year of my search with metallic passed, a lot of things happened during this time, there was an escape from a farmer, and a night search in someone else’s garden (though to no avail), and there were worthy finds, one of which was so worthy that I lost it to my father nose for many years to come)) And not every professional seeker will find this, but, as I said before, «beginners are lucky» (although it’s hard to call me a beginner anymore), and now let’s talk in more detail about my first real “treasure”.
And it happened in the fall of this year, as my father promised me, in September he delighted me with a new, huge reel called Goliath — exactly what I wanted. Replacing
standard and making homemade protection, we went for tests, and then everything was as expected, the only thing that was unexpected was its weight, I thought it would be
lighter, but its scope and depth was something. It was difficult to check all its capabilities within the city limits, so the steppes and fields were waiting for me and soon I was in the village.

Without thinking twice, I went to the dug-and-dug garden and immediately got a German coin from 1930, and at no small depth and the signal was much clearer than with the old coil, and this pleased me. Having walked through almost the entire garden in an hour, I moved to the neighbor’s, it had already been harvested and after walking two steps I clearly caught the signal — 1 kopeck 1884. Having dug a hole, literally a meter from it I find another one — 2 kopecks from 1873, I can’t help but notice that now there is more digging for rusty parts and debris, since the area has increased and there are valuable
finds often end up in trash. Soon I was pleased with a rare coin in our area, namely the Romanian leu of 1924, thanks to the new reel, the vegetable gardens were mine
processed quickly by the evening, so the next day I planned to go to an interesting field, where, according to local stories, there were several royal mills and there was one
Grandfather found a silver ruble just passing by. My father was there too, in the spring, but with a standard reel and found two coins from the USSR, so I was ready for exploration!

The morning was terrible, for real, the cold was terrible, the wind with light rain lifted the slate and did not allow one to take a breath, it seemed that winter had begun in the fall, but the soul was eager to search, fortunately it was not far away. It was difficult to determine the place, the ground was plowed and we had to start at random. After 20 minutes, 2 kopecks from 1873 were in my hand, the place was discovered! A lot of square nails began to appear, among them a heavily time-worn coin from 1759 was discovered, this is the third oldest find in my life! I must admit, the arm in my shoulder began to get tired, maybe because I’m left-handed, I don’t know, but I took a break often.  The field was clearly untouched and this was confirmed with every raised  coin: 2 kopecks of 1814 and 2 kopecks of 1813 were raised almost to the surface, and 3 kopecks of 1940, surprisingly, were at considerable depth. The wind in the field was becoming unbearable, and with the cold rain it was even worse, the mud greatly hampered the search, and we had to end today’s search. Having looked at a new place for tomorrow, I got ready to go home. My total for three and a half hours — 5 coins, it was something to show off to my father!))

At home, having cleaned the coins, I was pleasantly surprised at the safety of some of them. Having put the Akuma on charge, I thought about one thing, if only the weather would not let me down. The weather let us down! The morning was unusually cold, except for the wind. After waiting for the sun to appear, I moved to the place I had marked yesterday. Having passed the planting of trees, I was on it. A huge crutch from great depths was the first and unpromising find, oh, if I only knew that today the most valuable and ancient find of my life awaits me, a find that I could only see in a museum, but more on that later.

Again, aluminum covers and copper wire were my companions, the wind began to get to me, my hand got tired more often, the dirt was no help either, everything was against me, and now one interesting signal turned out to be an incomprehensible icon with pictures. The mood was lifted, the lids began to flow again. Changing direction, I walk along the center of the field and immediately coin
signal – an old copper button, 10 minutes and chewed 5 kopecks of 1930 in the palm of your hand, after a while an erased penny of 1855 —  already quite good, with regular information about such finds and not
dreamed! After an hour of dodging the wind and stirring the mud, I admit, I began to get tired. Having chosen a short path through the center of the field, he began to move towards the house, so as not to go in vain, he turned on the metallic light, simultaneously waving to the sides. I’m walking, not even halfway, almost by accident, I catch a strange signal, clearly on three divisions, I’ve never seen anything like this before. I start checking, having dug a considerable hole, I understand that the goal is even deeper, I dig further and here it is! What this was not immediately determined, the projectile thought, but a dark green tint and
the sharp end was confusing. Pulling it out of the ground, I realized that it was a huge bronze tip of an ancient spear!

Witness of Millennia (Competitive story of a digger!)

Oh, the emotions were through the roof, I threw everything into my backpack and with a couple of emotions I didn’t run, but flew home! Wow! My father should have seen the look on his face! After washing off the dirt, we were amazed — it was perfect, there was only a small scratch on it, possibly from a plow, with sharp blades running along its sides. My father asked me when and where, and the two of us immediately went there, «plowing» everything within a radius of 300 meters, unfortunately we
We found only uninteresting garbage and after taking a few photos, we returned home.

Witness of Millennia (Competitive History of a Digger!)

Where is he from? Whose is he? How did he get here? These thoughts torment us to this day. Its length is 19 cm, width 4 cm, the rest of the shaft was missing, maybe it was replaceable by an ancient warrior and was simply lost? Or maybe thousands of years ago there was a river here and he fell into it? Just guesses and assumptions .

Witness of Millennia (Competitive History of a Digger!)

Having returned to the city, we looked for information about it, but the information was scanty and varied, only presumably it was established that it was the Srubnaya culture, Chimerian-Scythian period, 1600-1100 BC! Wow, what a find!

Witness of Millennia (Competitive story of a digger!)

This is the period of the Trojan War and, perhaps, he is a “living” witness to those events and heroes of that time. Incredible!

Witness of Millennia (Competitive story of a digger!)Maybe one of the readers knows more and will clarify the find — I will be very grateful.

Witness of Millennia (Competitive story of a digger!)

This is already the second tip in my collection! But my luck didn’t end there; the next day, again in the field, I picked up my first silver medal! 10 kopecks 1914, her  mounted like a brooch and apparently lost.

Witness of Millennia (Competitive History of a Digger!)

Witness of Millennia (Competitive History of a Digger!)

This is how it turned out for me to have a week of fun with the new reel! I wish everyone good luck in the New Year and not to be afraid of bad weather!

Sent by comrade Vladislav M.

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