Fisher F75 SE black one day of interesting experience

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Our life consists of small joys, in my case it was like that. On New Year's holidays, I went to a car service center to chat with the men about life, and there a man brought a snowmobile for repairs. We talked, he said that he reads my notes on local history and he really likes them (the notes), and my work in general. Word after word the conversation turned to the cop. And then my new acquaintance says that he has a “Fisher” metal detector in his garage that has been idle for five years, well, the black one, I don’t remember the exact model. Needless to say, at the mention of this device my eyes lit up with selfish with a twinkle. What's the matter here? We all, having something good, always dream of getting something the same, but better. So it is with me. I’ve been working with the Fisher F70 for two and a half years, I’m definitely pleased with the device, why and how I wrote a separate note on this topic. But still a languid feeling of wanting more, what is it usually like? Always, sooner or later, the thought comes, what if I get a more advanced model? Well, there’s definitely gold, silver and copper in buckets.

I had a chance to evaluate the productivity and functionality of the Fisher F75 last year. To be honest, I didn’t notice any difference from the F70. In terms of the number of valuable finds, junk and garbage, there is complete parity. The 75 differs from the 70 only in its comfortable pistol grip and a set of programs that are absolutely unnecessary in our latitudes. For example, a search program that cuts off bottle caps. In general, I will do a comparative analysis of the two Fisher models a little later in a separate note, but for now it is important to understand how it happened that the F75 SE black became a cherished goal for me, like communism for a citizen of the USSR. That’s why, when I heard from my interlocutor that he had a certain “black” lying idle in the garage, I politely and in full accordance with my self-esteem asked him to test the device. “Yes, no problem,” I heard in response, and a week later they brought me the device in a beautiful branded case. It was January outside, snowdrifts were growing outside the window, and the howling blizzard did not bode well.

Fisher F75 SE black one day of interesting experience

Spring this year was also not in much of a hurry to take over its climatic rights and melt the snow in the fields, therefore, with longing and growing anticipation, I walked around the device, like a shaman performing rituals at a sacred oak tree, and even waved it a couple of times, anticipating, as I walk across the field. But there was time to read the instructions and smoke the forums. As usual, there is nothing understandable for a humanist here or there. But, we managed to understand clearly and clearly that the F75 SE black differs from the usual 75 in the presence of two additional search programs. These are the two programs I will test for… And what will I test them for? Of course, unlike my beloved and dear F70. And on this topic, I even came up with and am preparing a separate material under the working title “Fisher F70 vs. Fisher F75 SE blac.” Looking ahead, I will say that each of the devices has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each of them is worthy of its price and reputation.

And so, today was another day of testing the capabilities of the F75 blac. For the purity of the experiment, I walk around the same field for a week, recording not only the qualifying finds, but even aluminum wire and other debris, because in our latitudes all the color signals are being dug. Yesterday, while planning this day, I thought that it would be nice to check and test the second exclusive program “blac”, which is not available on the simple 75th. This is a program in CL (CACHE LOCATION PROCESS) discrimination mode. As the instructions for using MD assure, this is a mini-program for in-depth search for large objects. That is, a small depth probe in a conventional device. I became interested and for test tests, I chose a field with a plowed street of houses from the period from the beginning of the 20th century to the 60s of the same, respectively, 20th century. The houses had basements and cellars, there was a lot of large iron debris in them, and maybe a small little kulak treasure box, in general, an ideal place to test the deep mode. But it was not possible to test it.

The fact is that the path to the plowed street ran past one noticeable mound without vegetation. A sandy hillock on which, even in rainy summers, nothing but moss grows. The place is interesting because many finds have been found there. Including a Swedish silver coin from 1712, a lot of old iron, and scales, and a companion, and in general, the place was knocked out tightly and without prospects. Well, just imagine the most unpromising and beaten down place that you have ever come across in reality. So, this is exactly such a place. Where in one survey you can count a dozen and a half holes with a glance.

Fisher F75 SE black one day of interesting experience

Let me think, I’ll try to walk through this place with the BP (BOOST PROCESS) mode. As the manufacturer assures in the instructions, this is a more advanced mode of the standard dE from the regular 75. Why not? I decided, turned on the device, set it off the ground and went to catch signals. The BP mode is difficult to use, and you have to pay for sensitivity with a large number of phantom signals. The device reacts especially to all wrought iron. However, with slow wiring, all phantoms are recognized and generally quickly learned; in this mode, it is simply necessary to walk without discrimination against the black stuff. When I dug up the first aluminum wire, I was surprised at that moment because it happened quickly, not even five minutes had passed from the start of the search. When I write about a tightly knocked-out place, every experienced digger understands what I’m talking about. This means that not only all the color signals were dug here, but even the black stuff, which gave off at least a little bit of color. And here it is a piece, as much as five centimeters of aluminum wire. Well, what happened next in my little photo report.

Fisher F75 SE black one day of interesting experience

The first sign of an interesting and productive mine in this place was a small copper horsemeat.

Fisher F75 SE black one day of interesting experience

Then a small ornament with an ornamental design fell out, possibly from a pendant of a woman’s jewelry, but definitely not a spare part from a tractor.

Fisher F75 SE black one day of interesting experience

And it’s simply lovely, under the gaze of the mistress of the copper mountain, the last emperor’s copper kopeck piece rolled out of the lump. The coin was found, according to all the canons of top YouTube content, between three dug holes.

Fisher F75 SE black one day of interesting experience

As a result, in two hours, a small but wonderful collection of finds was found in the knocked-out place.

Out of joy, I wanted to eat something and I went to my car to crack some gingerbread and juice. And here it must be said that the crossover stood alone on the country road nearby. There are still two weeks before the opening of the hunting season, the mushrooms are still early, which means that the car is standing here, in the middle of the field, for a reason. Well, the comrades definitely came somewhere out in the outfield to do reconnaissance. I ate and, satisfied, decided to test the operation of the device on a littered area of plowed foundations of an old street. I went to check. And here, to be honest, there are no miracles in the world. In littered areas, the F75 blac in BP mode gives an incredible number of false signals. Although the instructions say that this mode can be used in littered areas, but only in slow wiring, in reality, five minutes and ringing in the ears begins to undermine the user’s mental state. Either the manufacturer did not specify in the instructions exactly what can be considered a littered area, or the speed of swinging the bar needs to be clarified in order to correspond to the concept of slow wiring.

And then the comrades came to meet us. We talked, smoked, and showed each other our finds. What, where, how? I see the men exhausted, they themselves say that in two days their legs were worn down to the knee joints. Oh, what a difficult hobby we have, dear friends. Well, okay, after a long winter I’m gradually entering cop mode. From the beginning no more than two hours a day. Then I increase the dose gradually. And here people from the capital traveled 300 versts in two days, trampled forty kilometers with their feet, shovels could barely pull behind them, and here the signal is good and the adrenaline and strength are there again.

We talked a little and went on digging. I continue to test the device in the trash. But… I see that the comrades headed straight to the place that I still wanted to check, where, in the old days, scales came across. And they don’t just walk, they dig and lift something. At that moment I realized that I didn’t want to test the capabilities of the device anymore; I had to go out into the field for free range. I walked around the field for an hour and a half, once again I received confirmation that the Fisher F75 blac is only good in explored areas, with slow tracking through fatty places. In free search in an open field, it is inferior to the F70 with a Tornado coil. But this is another story and I will definitely publish it in the near future. Thank you for your attention, dear readers, continue to follow the news on the website of our author’s blog and, of course, we look forward to your participation in comments and discussions.


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