Garrett Z-Lynk: first field test (works as it should!)

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I recently went out to the mines and finally opened the season! The land is already good, both in the forest and more or less in the field. In the field there is another problem, a little deeper the ground is still stone, it’s not very convenient to dig, but you can’t go into plowing either — a complete swamp, floods immediately up to the knees or waist. I’ll wait until it dries a little and then I can go out into the fields.

So, what did I have with me? As always — carrot pin (Garrett Pro Pointer AT), high-frequency metal detector Teknetics G2+(with a frequency of 19 kHz — finishing off metal-plastic and various small things), and in order not to torment myself with wires from headphones (I use 100 Ohm Koss) I gave myself a gift for the beginning of the season even earlier, I bought a new product from a local dealer &#8212 ; wireless module for Garrett Z-Lynk headphones. I would like to talk about him, the story about the cop himself will come later. 🙂 Fortunately, they also managed to drown the car; they were just driving to the place through the forest and did not ford the stream.

Many people are now looking for different solutions to hide the annoying wires from their headphones. If you connect it to the device, a problem will arise — put the device aside, you need to take off your headphones or put the device very close to you when you sit down over the pit and start looking for a find with a pin. What to do?

Various wireless things come into play. Who likes what. There are various cheap Chinese options that will last for who knows how long and the quality, to be honest, is at a very low level.

There is a module from Deteknix. I once took it in my hands to look at it and was not impressed. It creates the feeling of a flimsy and brittle structure that you don’t want to take to the dig. So, watching TV at night is enough, but not for a cop, where it sometimes rains, almost always dirt and various debris.

And there is a module from Garrett, which I took. Yes, the price. Not the cheapest price, of course, but we are taking something that we will use for a long time and we need quality and reliability, reliability and most importantly — high characteristics, productivity. That’s why I took Z-Lynk.

Garrett Z-Lynk: first field test (works as it should!)I hold the receiver in my hand, and the transmitter is installed on the device and connected to it .

I have already made a video regarding the module, you can look at the kit and understand how it turns on, configures and works:

So on my first trip to the mine this year I took Z-Lynk to test.

Garrett Z-Lynk: first field test (works as it should!)What impressions? Yes, the best! Transmits the signal completely, without interruption. Which is exactly what I needed, because most cheaper wireless solutions do not transmit the signal completely, but only at its very peak. This raises the problem of missing finds — you don’t look at the screen so often, you just walk and wave the coil, the signal is weak and you don’t hear it. In my case, I pulled out several deep and weak signals, it’s a pity that they turned out to be old forged small nails. Beautiful, but not very interesting as a find.

Garrett Z-Lynk: first field test (works as it should!)We simply insert a connector into such a transmitter from the headphones, turn it on, see that the red light on the WiFi signal is on, adjust the desired volume and put it in your pocket.

As a result, I walked through the bushes wearing headphones, and completely forgot that I wasn’t walking with Deus, because the headphones don’t cling to the branches with the wire! The battery lasts a long time too, it was enough for a full day of digging and didn’t even run out!

A good solution, definitely worth taking and using, especially if you have several devices for different purposes, and you don’t want to buy a Deus. Can be attached to any device! (And where it doesn’t attach properly, there is a solution to use wide tape and that’s it.) And have the guys from Garrett ever done anything bad? 😉

We collect everything useful and necessary about Garrett Z-Lynk here. We are diggers ourselves and we advise diggers only what really works and without any deception, what you can rely on in everyday work!

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