Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New from XP Detectors)

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Greetings, friends!

On the official website of the XP Detectors company, news was posted yesterday about the upcoming new version of the update V5 (5.0) and the release of three new coils labeled X35. What is it and what is it eaten with? Let’s figure it out in order.

3 new coils X35

It seems that the era of black reels, which have been produced for more than 10 years, is coming to an end, they will be replaced by the new X35. The form factor is the same (9″, 11″ and 13″), the battery is built-in, as in the coils of previous versions, except for HF — there is an external one.

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

Now the new X35 coils have 5 fundamental frequencies each with 7 offsets: 3.7 to 4.4 kHz, 7.1 to 8.4 kHz, 10.5 to 12.4 kHz, from 15.2 to 17.8 kHz, from 23.5 to 27.7 kHz. That is, we can now set the frequency to 11 kHz, for example, or 25 kHz, slowly shifting the frequency towards the one we need. Theoretically, this should help us and better tune out interference from EMR and other metal detectors. In addition, the coil current function (TX power) is now available for each frequency and coil.

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

Two operating modes at low frequency, a nice feature — you can use the Boost mode at frequencies of 3.7-4.4 kHz (the standard normal mode is also available), which will make it possible to detect larger metals and copper/silver coins of medium and large sizes deeper (theoretically, it should take 5 kopecks of E2 at a depth of 40 cm stably ). Naturally, the Boost function will only work on normal soil with low mineralization, but this mode will consume more energy (operating time can be reduced to 6 hours). 

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

To use the Boost function, it is recommended to use larger coils — 11″ and 13″.

The total operating time of the coils is increased by 10%-40%, depending on the frequency used.

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

New coils will go on sale very soon, and from September 2018 all XP Deus metal detector kits will be equipped with them (old coils will be obsolete).

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

I wonder what the owners of reels who bought them this summer will do? I mean the old models, which are quite expensive. In theory, they should drop in price a little, which means there will be a chance to get an additional reel at a great price!

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

The new coils will only work with Deus version 5.0

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

We can say that now XP Deus can work at 35 frequencies (5 frequencies with 7 offsets each), but will this give an increase in finds?

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

Many diggers would like to see multi-frequency in XP Deus, but the main question — what kind of bonus does multi-frequency give to a metal detector? And is it needed? Will it be advisable to work on this technology from XP if the trial with Minelab is still ongoing and not completed?

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

What’s new in update version 5 (5.0)?

Now let’s see what’s new in update version 5. The update is designed, naturally, to work with the new X35 coils and brings several bonuses to owners of Deus kits without a control unit.

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

Now you can control the following settings from the WS4/WS5 headphones:

— Speed
— Coil current (TX)
— Automatic ground tracking
— Frequency offset (35 frequencies with new X35)
— Iron volume
— Audio response

In fact, the block is no longer needed, it will be enough to have headphones and more or less serious settings can be made with their help, this is good news for all diggers, especially those who were always skeptical about the cheapest XP Deus kit — 9″ coil + headphones WS4.

The update will also work with coils of previous generations — black and HF.

Updates for XP Deus version 5 and three new X35 coils! (New items from XP Detectors)

This news was brought to us by the XP company. Are you satisfied or did you expect more/different/better? If yes, then what?

No worries!

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