I continue testing XP Deus II. Departure to a plowed field for scales

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The main goal of my next test of the XP Deus II in real conditions is to understand how good this very claimed multi-frequency technology is. What is the essence of the question? How was it before? Do you go out onto the field and think about what is more important: copper coins or silver scales? And, already from an understanding of the prospects of this or that, the settings for the coil frequency were set.

XP Deus II

And here, I simply have to tell my story as a cop for coins and antiquities in this very field.

I've been digging this field for five years now. For some time it was not plowed at all, which is why I spent almost all the spring days, when there was stale grass, here. And, I must say, for a reason. The preservation of copper coins here was and is simply amazing. It feels like no fertilizer was ever spent on this field. And, with sandy soil, you can see how copper objects have survived to this day with a clear example.

XP Deus II

I simply wiped this badge with water.

XP Deus II

Or, here’s a hanging seal from the 16th century with a fierce beast.

XP Deus II

XP Deus II

Well, the story about the preservation of copper will be absolutely incomplete without an example of a cross penny found in this very field.

Again, I repeat, for five years I explored this field lengthwise, across, diagonally, zigzag, in squares, systematically, randomly and by choice. I went alone and with friends, from two groups at once. Then, this field was noticed by diggers from local summer residents, then I saw here a whole team of five diggers who, with tents, camped for the night near the forest belt.

So, even after deep plowing, the number of copper coins in the overall result for the day of digging became less and less over time.

XP Deus II

Here is an example of a standard and average result for 4-6 hours of digging on this field last year. Please note that scales are not present in the results.

XP Deus II

In general, on average, there were cases of some splashes in the scales and there were even interesting specimens. Here, for example, is a penny from the Tsar of All Rus' Vladislav Zhegimundovich. Who is he and when did he manage to be a king, look on the Internet. I myself learned about this story only when I found this very penny.

Here you go. I told about the field itself. So, I think you won’t have any questions about why I decided to choose this one for testing a new metal detector for me. You need to understand what he is really capable of.

XP Deus II

I arrived, got ready and went to look for coins. It’s clear that I didn’t wander around this field anyhow. We had in mind locations or places where those same scales had previously been actively encountered. At the same time, I tracked statistics on various types of garbage colored signals.

XP Deus II

XP Deus II

XP Deus II

XP Deus II

As a result, without further ado, I’ll just post photos of the result of a two-hour cop. Personally, I am pleased with this result and definitely plan to come to this field more than once until it is sown in mid-May according to the field work schedule.

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