Is it worth searching in ravines (opinions?)

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ravine near the old village

Answering the eternal question of a loving treasure hunter «Where to dig?» I decided to philosophize a little. For today I chose the theme of ravines. Please do not throw slippers at me — This is just my humble opinion, and further the topic can be developed in the comments.

I’ll try to sort out all the information, but first of all I’ll answer a simple question: why search in ravines?

1. Villagers often buried tubs of coins in ravines.
2. Water washes objects into ravines from nearby areas.

Now more details. It is especially interesting to search in ravines located in or near old villages. It is necessary to examine not only the slopes, but also the bottom of the ravine, since the rain washes everything down. You need to be patient — There is usually a lot of garbage there, so a sniper reel is welcome, as is «garbage» search mode on the device, if there is one. Sometimes coins are found simply by sight, especially after heavy summer rain. Be very careful if you find one coin, you need to call everything nearby, because the probability of finding a treasure in the ravine is quite high!

Search and you are guaranteed interesting finds!

Whoever has good experience searching in ravines, share your impressions with us!

You will find more practical advice here !

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